Finally remembered to get salt today. I've been out for a few days, and need to do a water change tonight. I'm having trouble with built-up detritus still, so Albert's in the hospital until that's straightened out. Maybe one more water change and then he can move, we'll see.
Trying to get everything at work closed out before the weekend. Our call volume is way up this month and we're behind again.
Tonight is being reserved for: light cleaning, putting away laundry, and playing with the kittens. Carl is going over to the new house to work on the mechanicals some more, with his dad. I want to take the recycle stuff, but I think that's going to wait until Saturday.
Listening to: Blur - Death of a Party
Finally caught up on sleep last night. I also picked up 3 rolls of film, so look for new pictures over the next couple of days. Mostly new cat pictures. heehee
I have a pile of clean clothes to put away at home that's 3' tall. Should probably get to that sometime soon.
I can't remember when my knitting class starts. I think it's on the 10th, but it might be the 3rd. I hope it's the 10th, I have too many things planned for this Monday. (And the Russian reminded me last night that I have to drop my bike off Saturday, too.)
I hate it when people ask me for advice on what kind of computer to buy.
You Are Comet |
![]() Why You're Naughty: You almost gave Santa a heart attack when you took him sky diving Why You're Nice: You always make sure the sleigh is going warp speed |
What does it say about me that I wanted to download a new game to my cellphone at lunch, but didn't for one reason: I want to get a new phone, and I can't take games with me. :( I really wish I could transfer all of that stuff. I dunno how many ringtones I even have!
Got the cat drugs, they stink! Tuna-flavored...I don't think so. 1000 dead tuna, maybe. Can you tuna tuba?
Working late again tonight. Should be home by 6:30 or so, at the latest. The Russian is going to dollar Darrell's. *sniffs*
I think there are 65 of these:
Where were you born?
southern Illinois
have you ever kissed any of your myspace friends?
not that I can remember
How tall are you?
Where is your ideal house located
my in-laws are living in it :)
Last person you talked to?
Cliff, as he was leaving
Have you ever taken pictures in a photoboth?
when was the last time u were at olive garden?
probably a couple of months ago, for lunch
What are your keys on your key chain for?
5 cars, work, house, garage, my mom's house and her garage
Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
went to Chatham to pick up cat drugs
Where is your current pain at?
don't have one
Do you like mustard?
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Who is your favorite person to drunk dial?
Cindy or Rod, which is why when they're out together, my phone is off the hook. heehee
Do you say the word ..'biznatch?
no, but sometimes I say blizzah!
Do your parents slap you?
not anymore
What is your curfew?
I have to be home by 6pm to feed the salt tank
How many rings till you answer the phone?
depends on who's calling
Do you look like your mom or dad?
my dad
Who was the last person who told you they hated you?
Amy Taborn, when we were in kindergarten. Then she threatened to beat me up, so I told on her (of course) and she got in trouble. haha, I'd forgotten all about that!
What color is your razor?
blue, I think
How long does it take you in the shower?
to do what?
Can you do the splits?
only the banana kind
What movie do you want to see right now?
Nacho Libre, I guess.
Do you put lotion on your legs before you wear skirts or shorts?
I put lotion on every day
Did you think The Grudge was scary?
haven't seen it
What was the cause of your last accident?
when we lived in town, the neighbor backed into my car
Do you own a camera phone?
Would you ever dye your hair red?
did that last weekend
How many rings are on your fingers right now?
What are you drinking?
pink lemonade
Was your mom a cheerleader?
not hardly
Can you pump gas?
yes. wtf? who can't pump gas?
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?
What's the last letter of your middle name?
Are you pregnant?
I don't think so
Do you still talk to your first boyfriend/girlfreind?
no :(
Who did you vote for on American Idol?
I'm embarassed to admit that I even watched this show, let alone voted.
Taylor! (and only once!)
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
it varies. usually at least 4 or 5.
Do you drink Egg Nog?
every chance I get!
When was the last time you saw your boyfriend/girlfriend?
I saw the Russian this morning before we went to work
Have you ever had a hickey?
Do you stilll like the Dixie Chicks, despite the Bush comments?
I didn't like them before the Bush comments
What do you buy at the movies?
the super mega combo! supersized! heh
Do you know how to play poker?
not very well
Who do you cheat off of at school?
it's been a loooong time since I had to do that!
Do you wear your seatbelt?
most of the time
What do you sleep in?
How many meals do you eat a day?
usually 2 or 3
Ever give anyone the Rejection Hotline?
Is your tounge pierced?
not anymore, but there's always hope!
Do you always read MySpace bullitens?
Do you have A.D.D?
not that I know of
Do you like funny or serious people better?
seriously funny people
Do you hate when ex's talk about their new gf's/bf's?
oh yeah, I really hate that.
what? who cares? it's been a long time since I had to deal with that
Ever been to Vegas?
yep, several times
Paris or Nicole?
what? no.
Do you make good pancakes?
the Russian thinks so, but I'm pretty sure he just says that so he can avoid going to IHOP!
Did you eat a cookie today?
I ate a fortune cookie, does that count?
"Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded." (in bed! ha!)
Do you know cuss words in other langauges?
a few
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
hrm. define steal.
Do you hate chocolate?
I'm not its biggest fan or anything, but no, I don't hate it.
What do you and your parents fight about the most?
nothing much
Is your cell usually on viberate or ring?
both. when the Russian calls it plays the theme from Mission: Impossible.
Not awake yet.
Worked late last night, didn't sleep much, got here early this morning and I'm still not done with this project. Deadline is Friday, which is completely doable.
Last night Vic let me hold him while he took a nap. Awww :) Gotta pick up their antibiotics today sometime.
Weekend plans are gelling. I want to hit the farmer's market Saturday morning, and I'm sure we'll be yard-saling at some point if there's anything good (locals! Get out your junk!). It's supposed to rain Sunday, Monday and probably Tuesday, but only a 20 or 30% chance. Monday I want to go to Jackmans in Fairview Heights, and Rod's party is that night. Tuesday will be spent recovering :)
One of the ducks from the pond outside my office has decided that a good spot to raise her family this year will be in a mound of pampas grass right outside our back door.
Duck Egg
I think she was afraid the giant turtle in the pond would get it. Now we have to be quiet when we're going in and out, so she doesn't get disturbed.
I gotta take a nap, this is ridiculous.
I have the cats back.
No, I didn't bring them back to work with me. They're at home, presumably tearing something up.
Time for my nap.
Your Monster Profile |
![]() You Feast On: Pie You Lurk Around In: Nude Beaches You Especially Like to Torment: Blondes |
I really wish my XM radio would show the lyrics of the songs I'm listening to. I'd even be happier if it could tell me how much time is left on a particular track.
Didn't get anything done last night that was on my list. We eventually did make it out of the house long enough to go pick up the new family room door. Hopefully it can get installed sometime this weekend since it's supposed to be really nice out.
Apparently it really rained on the east side of Spfld last night, but we got nothing on our side of town.
And I just heard from the vet that she can't operate on Kenny and Vic today, they have a virus. Go figure. So off I go to a pharmacy in Pawnee to pick up tuna flavored liquid antibiotics.
Ok, for the new myspace readers, this one's for you:
That seemed kind of silly.
Crummy day here.
Listening to: Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness
Reading: code, again.
Took the cats in for their checkups. Turns out they can be declawed already, so I left them there to have that done tomorrow. (horrors!) I know a lot of you are against declawing, but I have leather furniture, and it's either no cats or cats with no claws (they get to keep their back ones).
Otherwise, they were pronounced to be as healthy as tiny horses, and they've doubled in weight since I got them a month ago. Figures. All they do is eat. And poop. I can pick them up on Thursday. Looks like we're definitely NOT going anywhere this weekend.
We'll probably walk down to the lake to watch the marina fireworks on Friday, and Rod's party is Monday night (he'll have the town fireworks in his yard), and the downtown show will probably be Tuesday night. I loves me some flames! I'll never forget the year I took a bunch of photos of the capitol building backlit with a stunning fireworks display. They turned out really well, too, except that it looked like the capitol building itself was on fire. heh, oh well
I'm doing damage control at home tonight. I swear, I leave town and 10 minutes later the house is destroyed. I got most of it done last night, tonight is just emptying the dishwasher and putting away laundry. And I think we're going to Lowe's to get new ceiling fan light kits for the spare rooms.
Ok, one survey today:
How old were you?: 27
Where did you go to school?: I was out of school
Where did you work?: Dynitech, same place I work now
Where did you live?: the same place we live now
Where did you hang out? Mowie's, Coz's, wherever
How was your hair style? long and straight
Did you wear braces?: no
Did you wear glasses?: yes
Who was your best friend?: the Russian
Who was your regular-person crush? I don't remember having one
How many tattoos did you have?: 0
How many piercings did you have?: 4? not sure
What car did you drive?: Toyota Corolla, I think
What was your favorite band/group: can't remember
What was your worst fear?: losing my job
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Yes
Had you gotten drunk?: Yes
Had you driven yet? Yes
Had you been arrested? No
Had you been to a real party yet?: Yep
Had your heart broken?: Yes
Where you single? No
June 2006
How old are you?: 32
What grade are you in?: Still out of college
Where do you go to school?: nowhere
Where do you work: Dynitech
Where do you live?: same house
Where do you hang out?: Mowie's some, Coz's some, wherever *ha*
How is your hair style? short and usually straight
Do you have braces?: no
Do you wear glasses?: yes
Who are your best friends?: the Russian
Still talk to any of your old friends?: Yes
Who is your celebrity crush? Johnny Knoxville or William Shatner
Who is your regular-person crush?: don't have one
How many tattoo's do you have? 0
What kind of car do you have?: Too many of them! Mostly I drive either a Honda Accord, Jeep Grand Cherokee, or Jeep Wrangler.
What is your favorite band/group?: Right this minute, the Smashing Pumpkins, but it varies from day to day
What is your biggest fear?: something happening to Carl
Have you gotten drunk?: Uh, yeah.
Have you been arrested since, if so how many times total: no
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?: not in the last 5 years
Have you been to a real party?: Yes!
Has your heart been broken?: not in the last 5 years
Are you single? No
Are you going to say how many piercings you have now? No. :P And quit asking, I think it's probably rude! LOL
Listening to: Coldplay - Speed of Sound (man, talk about overplayed!)
Reading: code. It's been a long day.
Back to work again. Made a quick trip home from So IL yesterday afternoon, 2 hours and 54 minutes. One stop in Lebanon for gas. Next scheduled trip is 2 weekends away, for the family reunion in Dexter, MO.
So I decided yesterday while I was driving that I want to go camping this weekend. I called the Russian at home to see what he wanted to do, and was reminded that my bike is getting new tires on Saturday. :( Now I'm wondering if I can drop the bike off on another day this week and just leave it there. It's not like I'm riding it with the tires that are currently on it, much.
I'd like to go up to New Salem for the weekend, stay Friday, Saturday, Sunday and come back Monday. This, however, would require a cat sitter, and a bigger tent, since both dogs would be going. I'm also thinking about going to St Louis on Monday, plus Rod's party is that afternoon/night, and we're going to that. The more I think about it, the more I think we're just staying home. :(
So I went to see "Click" (depressing) and got more stripes in my hair. Ah, and my car is cleaned and waxed. That's about it for this last weekend.
Cats go to the vet today at 2. Should be a good time for all. ha
Pet peeve of the day: supposed rock stations that play crossover country music.
Yeah, here I am on Saturday night, and it's barely 10pm. I'm in the Burg, headed back to Springpatch tomorrow afternoon sometime.
We went to see Click tonight. I'm not sure I really care for the new, improved Adam Sandler. I'm just glad we paid $3.50 to see it here, and not $8.50 at home. Next on the list is Nacho Libre, maybe one night this week.
Mom and I went to Marion today, I ended up with a mani/pedicure, finally. Oh, and my hair has more stripes! Red and more white now. It's starting to look pretty funky :)
Not sure what time I'm getting out of here tomorrow. Sorry I missed the car show Toby, we saw a little bit of it on our way to the movie, but didn't see you. :( Next time I'm down I'll try to stop by!
The Accord is washed and waxed with shampooed carpets. Too bad I have to load these clowns I call cats into it tomorrow. They'll be in their carrier the whole time, for sure. Makes me wish I wasn't driving into supposed thunderstorms in Sangamon County.
And now, my friends, it's time for me to hang up this dial-up. Ciao!
Headed to my mom's this weekend. I should have stripey-er hair when I get back, hopefully. I think we're going to add some red to it, maybe.
It's Bring Your Dog to Work Day. My two mutts are at home,'s not really Bring Your HORSE to Work Day. :) Maybe this afternoon I'll bring Ralfie in for a little while. He'd probably like to go for a ride in the little Jeep.
BTW, our doorbell is back to playing the theme from Deliverance (Dueling Banjos). So if you want to watch the Russian laugh like a hyena, c'mon over and ring it.
Air Rendezvous is this weekend, kinda wishing we'd decided to go, but I'm sure I'll hear the F-15's buzzing by today, practicing their routines. Let's see...according to today's SJ-R, Jesse Jackson is coming to town sometime in September. And they still haven't caught the tailpipe bandit (well, they didn't say that, but they haven't reported anything to the contrary, either).
Ok, it's Friday, last survey of the week:
1. Do you drink milk?
Horizons Organic, but that's the only kind
2. Do you prefer apple or orange juice?
don't much care
3. Do your computer speakers plug into the back of your computer or your monitor?
back of the computer
4. How many clocks are in your house?
probably close to 20, is that a lot? I just like to know what time it is.
5. How about the room yer in right now?
0, I'm at work...clocks are just downright depressing here!
6. How often do you check your email?
M-F everyday, I try not to check it on weekends
7. Do you live by yourself?
8. What's the most you've ever won on a scratcher?
9. What's the nearest food to you right now?
A can of tomato soup
11. Do you know what a plecostamous is?
Yep, have had several when I had a freshwater tank
12. Have you ever watched a sunrise rise over the ocean?
I used to live on the ocean, in a boat. So yeah, a few of them. LOL
13. How many messages are in your inbox/outbox on your phone?
0, I clean them off as soon as I get them
14. Do you prefer wooden or mechanical pencils?
doesn't really matter
15. What's on your feet right now?
16. Do you have one best friend, or a lotta good friends?
17. Snapple or SoBe?
neither, yuck
18. Where do you buy birthday/christmas cards?
birthday cards: hallmark or meijers
I make my own Christmas cards
19. What's your take on "puppy love"?
kids will be kids
20. Do you enjoy breaking hearts?
21. What date/time was the last text you recieved?
this morning
22. When's the last time you sent a text?
this morning
23. Do you believe there is only one "right" religion?
Not really, but it's a lot more complicated than that.
24. What's your favorite planet, besides this one?
25. Does anything special happen for you on March 15th?
I'm usually still trying to decide if I'm going to Rolla for St Pats again!
26. If you could get back in touch with one person you've lost touch with, who would it be?
27. What type of internet connection do you use?
dial-up at home (all we can get)
T1 at work, guess where I do most of my internet related activities :)
28. Do you vote for city-related issues?
usually not eligible, we're not in the city limits
29. Do you say 'ya'll', 'you guys', 'dudes', or something else when addressing more than one friend at a time?
30. Would you want marijuana legalized if it meant alcohol would be illegal?
31. Have you ever been to the Vatican?
32. Have you ever waved at someone who was waving at you, only to realize they were waving at someone else?
EVERYbody's done that!
33. What did you do?
laugh and probably turn bright red
34. How many bathrooms are in your house?
which one? lol
35. Do you mainly use use your house phone or your cell phone?
Cell phone
36. How many 2006 calenders are in your house?
37. Do you take baths or showers?
38. Do you take quizzes in magazines?
none of the magazines I read have quizzes in them
40. Do you buy bananas when they're green so they won't go bad as fast?
I buy bananas when they're green because I like to eat green bananas.
41. Do you do anything for a bad sunburn?
can't remember, it's been a long time since I had one
42. Do use mouthwash? If so, what kind?
43. What noises reach your ears right now?
I'm listening to Ethel, I can hear a coworker down the hall, and that's about it. It's quiet around here today.
44. Have you ever been to Grand Canyon?
Yeah, I've hiked through it (North rim to South rim)
45. Have you ever been to a national park (i.e. Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc)?
Yeah, several of them
46. How old are your parents?
My mom is 59, my dad died when he was 56.
47. Does anyone have the keys to your heart?
48. Have you ever had to run for your life?
Yeah, when I worked underground once, and when I worked offshore.
49. Is there an empty place in your heart?
50. Have you ever been to a family reunion?
Every year :)
51. Have you ever scraped a pipe?
Yuk! That crap will turn your lungs black, and I've just never been that desperate LOL
If this is in reference to riding a bike, haven't done that either. I'm a pretty safe rider.
52. Do you prepare soup in the microwave or on the stove?
either one, just depends on how much time I have
53. Is it sunny out right now?
54. Do you have a catnip plant in your house?
I have one outside
55. Do you use surge protectors?
56. Do you pay attention to the stock market?
57. Do you take precautions against contracting West Nile Virus?
precautions? Well, we don't have standing water around our house, if that's what it means.
58. Do you meditate?
59. If your lover cheated on you and profusely apologized, would you accept them back into your life?
60. Do you eat carbs?
61. If you could be one animal for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
What? uh, something that doesn't get eaten, I guess.
62. Are you the kinda person who will search the entire room for the remote because you don't wanna change it on the TV?
LOL, yes
63. Has your insurance gone up because of something on your DMV record?
Not lately :P
64. Have you ever gone too work/school drunk?
65. Is it all about YOU?
It's not all about me, but it is all about the people I love.
66. Are you allergic to any insect bites?
bee stings
67. Are you allergic to any kind of food/medicine?
honey, mushrooms
68. Have you ever swam in Lake Tahoe?
69. If you could hug one person right now, who would it be?
Mama Tanya, she gives the best hugs!
70. Are you in debt?
71. When you say "often" do you pronounce the "T" or leave it silent?
I pronounce it. Who says offen?
72. If you could have a plane ticket to anywhere right now, where would you go?
New Zealand
74. How many pairs of socks do you own?
pairs? no idea. Singles? Too many to count
75. How often do you do laundry?
once a week or so. We have a laundromat in the basement, so I can do it pretty quickly.
76. What do you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger?
He ain't no girly-man!!!
77. Do you own your own car, pink slip and all?
Yes, all of them :)
78. Has anyone ever given you jewelery on Christmas?
79. Do you count down the days till anything?
I count the days until Christmas, and my birthday :) (ok, so that part IS all about me!)
Listening to: Young Knives - She's Attracted To
Big head honchos coming in today. I've cleaned my office and even brought in a couple of plants from home to make it seem less bare. However, I draw the line at dressing to coordinate with the paint and carpet even if my nails do match my shirt.
In the meantime I'm waiting for a quick and dirty to finish running, and I need to do one more quick test before I can call this problem fixed.
I have an electric pencil sharpener :)
So what's everybody up to today? Email has been pretty quiet so far. You guys all take a surprise vacation or something?
Didn't accomplish a whole lot last night. Carl welded the furnace stand for the new house, and I mostly did laundry. I think we're renting some movies tonight.
Big storms are supposed to move through this afternoon, probably right as I leave to go home. Cats are acting crazy.
* . . About You . . * |
Eye Color: Green |
Hair Color: Brown |
Height: 5'10" |
Favorite Color: orange |
Screen Name: turnip |
Favorite Movie: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation |
* . . Have You Ever . . * |
Sat on your rooftop? Yep |
Kissed someone in the rain? Yep |
Danced in a public place? Yep |
Smiled for no reason? Of course! |
* . . Who was the last person to . . * |
Say HI to you? Lynn |
Tell you, I love you? the Russian |
Kiss you? the Russian |
Hug you? the Russian |
* . . What's the last . . * |
Time you laughed? a couple of minutes ago |
Time you cried? last Friday |
Movie you watched? A Christmas Story |
Joke you told? can't remember |
* . . Can You . . * |
Write with both hands? not very well |
Whistle? yes |
Blow a bubble? yes |
Roll your tounge in a circle? only if I use my fingers |
* . . Finish The Line . . * |
If i were a ... survey, I'd be a better one than this |
I wish ... I could go out to lunch today |
So many people don't know that ... my friend Marsha once stole a semi! |
I am ... sick of work today, and it's not even 10am yet |
Listening to: Radiohead - 2+2=5
We have company coming to work tomorrow. I've been cleaning my desk all day. Wow. That was a lot of paper. Right now it's crammed into a box under my desk. The box is so full I can't close it. At this point I can't decide whether to just burn it all, or actually go through it to see what's in there.
My room is really bare, I think I'm going to have to bring in some african violets or something tomorrow so it looks like a real person works in here. I took all my stuff home a few months ago, but I used to decorate for every holiday. I quit doing it when the twins died, but I think I still have most of it at home somewhere.
Going shopping tonight after work. I need something to wear tomorrow. Well, I don't really NEED anything new, but you all know how that goes.
In the meantime I've moved the laptop to the left side of my desk, and you wouldn't believe how disconcerting that is. My whole little work-world has been flipped upside down, just like that. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually open the blinds, but that's pretty unlikely. If I thought I could get away with a window darkening kit, I'd do it.
Listening to: mother love bone - stardog champion
Stayed home last night and worked on the salt tank. Stopped by Aquapals on my way home, but they didn't have much in the way of tanks and stands, and the only live rock I saw wasn't for sale. Later on, I ran down to Capital Coral in Chatham and talked to Ray for a few minutes. He's got some really gorgeous feather dusters. Once I get Albert back in the main tank I want to get a couple.
I'm thinking about upgrading my tank. You all knew it was coming! :) The tank I'm looking at is a 46 corner tank. I think it would look pretty cool in the family room, with a big horseshoe of live rock covered in corals. It's a pretty deep tank, so I'm thinking about metal halides for lighting, but I need to also be thinking about whether to do a sump or not. It'd be nice to hide all the equipment. Just thinking at this point. He had a really nice wave tank, and a bowfront that was just too cool, but also pretty pricey at $1100. As far as livestock goes, I don't know that I'd want to add much...I really like Albert being an only fish, and it gives me the ability to care for him a little better. Ray was really surprised that he lived through the crab attack. However, a six-line wrasse would be pretty cool, too.
The main tank is looking better, but still skimming a lot of liquid every other day or so. I'm probably going to hold Albert out of it for a few more days, until everything is back to normal, before I put him in with the crab again. He seems to be doing okay in the quarantine tank, but the cats are driving him nuts. They like to stalk him. The qtank is only 10 gallons, so there's not a whole lot of moving around he can do in it.
Ok, here are your responses to the Finish the Sentence survey:
1. My ex is: on the back of a milk carton, and I don't know anything about it
7. I lost: my mind, have you seen it?
10. Love to me is: helping me move the body
14. My cell phone is: programmed to play the theme from MacGyver when the Turnip calls
22. I got this from: the Queen of All Knowledge and Everything Wonderful
awww :)
better get busy.
Listening to: Foo Fighters - Walking After You
Hahahahaha! I can hardly wait to see what you all have to say about this one....
1. My ex is: living in another state, hopefully
2. I am listening to: Gorillaz - Slow Country
3. Maybe I should: run for President
4. I love: peanut butter cookies
5. My friends: are going to rip me a new one for #6
6. I don't understand: why people still shop at Walmart
7. I lost: the last game of thumb wars the Russian and I played
8. I'm tired of: that stupid Matisyahu song - King Without a Crown
9. The meaning of my myspace name is: a nickname my dad gave me
10. Love to me is: when Alice licks my hand after she's just gotten in trouble
11. Somewhere, someone is: reading this
12. I will always: want something else
13. Forever seems: to be taking a long time
14. My cell phone is: sitting next to me
15. When I wake up in the morning: I'm usually freezing because the dog has stolen all of the covers
16. I get annoyed when: people are dumb AND mean; you can be one, but not both
17. Kisses are the best: when they come from the Russian and are unexpected :)
18. Today I: shopped for tank stands at Petco and Petsmart, and was sorely disappointed
19. Tonight I will: probably stay home and work on the salt tank
20. Tomorrow I will: come back to work for some more torture
21. I really want: to be known as the Queen of All Knowledge and Everything Wonderful
22. I got this from: Myspace
Your turn :)
Stuff I've finished up lately:
Mom's chicken quilt. This one will be quilted with little chickens on it, I think.
Last year's east central Illinois shop hop quilt. Never again. This isn't the whole quilt, I think it's 3 x 5 blocks, but you get the idea. I was so sick of pink and green, and this was my first project with Thangles. Useless, useless product. I haven't even decided whether to mess with quilting this top. If you can see any black lines along the edge of the picture, that's a cat's tail.
Mama K's American quilt. Made this for Carl's mom, of course. Really, really easy pattern. Lots of fun to put together, too. This quilt was supposed to hang in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential museum during the month of July, but I didn't find the binding for it in time. Probably will do that next year. I think it's 81"x81". The quilting is done with red, white and blue variegated thread. I'm really pleased with how well it turned out.
The advent calendar. This is the most recent project. It's quilted with tan thread, which turned out to be a mistake. Should have used invisible, but I'll know that for next time. The little ornaments hang on red and green buttons. I need to get a close up shot of the quilting, because I outline-quilted most of it, and then repeated that pattern all the way through to the center, so you can actually tell from the backside what's on the front. This one will find a good home somewhere else, though. I found a different one I want to hang in the family room.
Next up, the blocks of the month. I should be able to finish the batiks off this week if I quit procrastinating, and then I have to find the finishing kit for both that one and the Christmas quilt. My mom has dibs on the Christmas one, but the batik is still up for grabs.
in the world is in my office this morning (well, next to Jeff Goldblum or David Hedison, it's the biggest).
Went to Menards last night to get a new door for the family room. They had to order it, of course. Hopefully we have decent weather one day next week so the Russian can hang it. Last night he was busy turning an old bed frame into a furnace stand for the new house. We stopped by there on our way home, no new graffiti. Picked up the old water heater so Carl can drop it in the dumpster today. Things are moving along over there, I guess. The new duct work should be done sometime this week, and then it's a matter of getting the rest of the new mechanicals installed.
Why does this feel like Monday?
Listening to: Throwing Muses - Bright Yellow Gun
Reading: the List
Just a smattering of the answers you've all emailed me today. Names withheld to protect the guilty. Muahahahaha!
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? when Nixon was impeached
24. A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? i wouldn't be a crayon. i'd be the annoying little sharpener at the back of the box that doesn't work as well as you think it should, thus making you feel like you've been ripped off!
(yes, this one has issues...heehee!)
what is it with you guys? almost every single male who sent this back said "boobs". at least you're honest, i guess...
44. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? the mouse!
49. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? why yes I do, I can lick my nose with my tongue.
50. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? I was hatched, not born. (something we all knew anyway)
you all are a bunch of freaks! And never have I been more proud to call y'all family. :)
I brought the camera card back to work with me this afternoon so I can load some photos of the last few quilts I've made (including the ever-so-popular advent calendar! I still have it!).
50 things you might or might not know:
my dad
what? I don't know. It's ok.
uh, turkey, I guess.
6. KIDS?
eh, maybe, maybe not.
if I could get past my weird little habits, yes. haha!
just this one
I try not to
um, yes
tough call: fruit loops or cap'n crunch
haagen dazs rum raisin
My inability to say no
my dad
tan pants, black sandals
fruit loops
Bob Dylan - I Want You
a customer
do they know what they're talking about?
yes, of course!
29. favorite drink?
hockey, I guess.
happy endings, definitely
chinese or italian
Old School
peanut butter cookies
no idea
The Russian, haha!
a book on the AIX o/s
don't use one on this machine
Footballers Wive$
the Russian laughing, my dogs chasing each other around the house
I have lots of them.
1973, southern Illinois
I can't decide if I'm ready to be awake or not, yet.
We had a quiet weekend. Yard-saled a little bit on Saturday, cleaned the house, took down the cat crate, hit Meijers more than once, and Carl's mom and dad came over yesterday.
Almost went to see Nacho Libre last night but decided we'd stay in.
If I eat another piece of cantaloupe, I'm going to turn into one.
I didn't sew at all this weekend, however, while we were out running around on Saturday I did drop off the swatches of the batik block of the month at the shop, so hopefully they'll find something for me.
We had the little jeep out for awhile, I really REALLY need to put the top up long enough to wash it. I'm driving down to my mom's next weekend, haven't decided if I'm taking it or not.
Gotta get busy
Every now and then I forget that I can do things like go to a movie in the middle of the week. Last night Carl and I went to the late movie to see Cars. It was really cute, scored a 7 on the Russian's laugh-o-meter. I suspect that if we knew anything about Nascar it would have been funnier. Then again, if Nascar had a 30 car pileup during every single race, I'd probably be the biggest fan. :)
Not sure what we're doing this weekend. Carl wants to see Nacho Libre tonight, but I dunno if we'll have time. We have to go to Doyle's auction, they've got a bunch of darkroom stuff and I want to see how much it goes for. I'm thinking about a local auction instead of ebay for some of the enlargers. The thought of trying to pack and ship those glass condensers makes me nervous.
Meeting the Russian for lunch today. He's dropping off a bunch of stuff at Habitat, and then I think we're going to CiCi's.
I am so glad it's Friday. Tomorrow morning I can sleep in and do whatever I want. If I have to deal with anymore cranky coworkers this week I might not come back.
Pop and Mama Tanya are coming over Sunday for lunch. I think we're going to pick up something from Humphrey's tomorrow to grill, and I'll make Pop's favorite pecan pie for him for Father's day. Hopefully the cats are on good behavior...this morning they were waiting for me to open the bedroom door so they could ambush Alice.
I want to go see Calamity Jane at the Theatre in the Park in New Salem one night this weekend. Must call to check on tickets for tomorrow night.
![]() You are Chinese Food |
Exotic yet ordinary. People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour. |
(Take this quiz) (Check out others) |
Interesting...I would've thought I was Italian food. However, I did have Chinese twice this week.
Listening to: Bob Dylan - Ballad of a Thin Man
Reading: - News - BPD sergeant charged with stalking
Oh my...if the link doesn't work, just go to and click on local stories. It should still be there. Long story short: local cop is now a person of interest regarding several rapes and stalking, under the guise of looking for a house for his mother-in-law.
Still waiting for Friday.
I went to Petsmart at lunch. Anybody wanna guess how much 70 pounds of dog food, 7 pounds of cat food, 35 pounds of litter, 2 bowls, a placemat and some litter deodorizer runs? Ok, that's boring.
![]() Jeep |
For you, summer is all about having no responsibilities. You prefer to hang with old friends - and make some new ones. |
(Take this quiz) (Check out others) |
Hahaha! How true :) Maybe I'll take it for a ride around the lake later. I can't wait for my bike tires to come in! I've just about decided to paint it this winter. I'm thinking about hot pink, or maybe purple, like the Katana was. That bike had the BEST paint job!
Anybody wanna buy 500 playboy magazines, btw? They're sitting on our pool table and they've GOT to GO. Ebay is next. Drop me a mail if you're at all interested. I don't wanna ship these things. They go all the way back to the 60's!
The question is now not whether to order snowman tp, but rather how much of it to order. Muahahahaha!
I. Just. Can't. Take. Anymore. of this week. Bleh.
Coworkers are driving me nuts, support is crazy, and it's not even month end.
And I was late getting here today. I woke up at 7:45 and Vic was howling his fool little head off in the living room, Kenny was nowhere to be found. At 8:10 he crawled out of the basement and there was much happy cat reunion-ing. But I was still late.
However, I did get the advent calendar finished last night. It turned out ok. Offer still stands if anybody wants it (c''s not really too early to think about Christmas! heehee). I went by Calico Hearts to pick up my blocks and they can't find them, but are going to keep looking. I think I've done my last project there, every single time I went in to pick up my blocks there was a problem.
Listening to: The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3
What a horrid week. I woke up for the first time in a long time and didn't want to come to work. Not that I love it usually, but I generally have something to look forward to. I really cringe to think what month end will be like.
I went to pick up the batik blocks last night. Once again, the shop can't find the fabric I chose, and they aren't sure they have anymore like that. This has been the most disorganized block of the month project I've ever taken part in. Probably won't do it again. Not to mention they're using the evil Thangles, and you all know how I feel about those!
Speaking of demons, I got a letter that the East Central IL shop hop (next month) is doing another Quilt for the Cure project. I'm looking for a picture of it online so I can decide if I'm going to participate. I did last year and when I was done, I was so sick of pink and green I promised myself I'd never do that again. I'm all for breast cancer research and funding, but pick another color!
I know I said I wouldn't do that hop this year but I guess if there's anybody local who wants to, let me know and we'll work something out. There are a couple of shops I'd like to revisit, but Rockome Gardens isn't doing the show this year. Right now I'm leaning more towards doing the regular central il shop hop later on.
So last night I finished putting the binding and tabs on the little advent calendar, and then I fused the ornaments together. They actually look pretty cute. Tonight I'll get the hangers on them, and probably start sewing the buttons on. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with this when I'm done. Anybody want an advent calendar? I saw another one in the Keepsake catalog that I like better: Kitty Advent Calendar. You put little treats in the pockets for them, awwww :)
And this has been yet another blog about quilting. I really need a change of topic.
Listening to: Blue October - Hate Me
Reading: Textiles - A Classification of Techniques
You can pretty much tell how the day is going to go when you get an email from a coworker that says:
I think I'm going to crap my pants.
I started putting the binding on the advent calendar last night. It's looking ok, but I wish it was done. I want to get the tabs put on the back for the dowel rod, and then I can attach the buttons. I'm starting to regret that I got plain red buttons, but the ones I wanted were $2 apiece, and I need 25 of them...ack!
Hopefully I can start fusing the ornaments and felt together tonight, and this little project will be almost done. Still haven't decided what I'm going to do with it at the end. The quilting isn't as nice as I'd like it to be. The little stipple stitch on the D1 has some issues. However, the larger one worked out pretty well.
Ralf and Alice are going with the Russian tonight over to the new house to deter anymore tagging.
Is it Friday yet? This week is brutal.
Listening to: Guster - Amsterdam
Reading: organized Christmas
So did anybody see the first half hour of Footballers Wive$ last night? This season is going by so fast! Somebody let me know what happened at the beginning, ok?
I thought I was going out of town this next weekend, but then we remembered it's Father's day, so we're staying here. Pop and Mama Tanya will come over on Sunday for lunch, and maybe we'll hit an auction or two on Saturday.
35 minutes left. Still not awake.
Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Sun
Reading: my to-do list. getting longer by the minute
If you sent me an email this weekend and I haven't responded, please try again. I had a problem with my spam filter and I'm pretty sure I lost some stuff.
The Logix Riddles are back! If you haven't been confused yet today, go to The Logix Riddles
I spent most of the weekend quilting. I finished up the blocks of the month, and then started on a new advent calendar: Santa!
I've almost finished quilting the main panel, and then I'll have to start working on the ornaments. I used the stippling stitch on my Designer 1. It did an ok job, but there are several places where I just stippled it myself and it looks better. Mostly I outlined it, probably did way too much quilting, but it'll get quite a bit of use so I want it to hold up.
Trying to decide what project to start once I get this one done. I still have the blocks from last fall's shop hop to start on. That should be a fun one, it's got a black background with really bright colors, in traditional blocks. I'm also thinking about making someone (who shall remain nameless because she'll read this) a blue and yellow French Country quilt. I need to check through the stash to figure out what I'd need for that one.
Anyway. Last night we headed over to the new house to fix a plumbing leak in the basement, and I walked into the backyard for a few minutes to watch the fireworks from the end of the Carillon festival. Somebody has tagged the back door of that garage. Grrrr It's visible from the Catholic school that it backs up to, so Carl's dad is going to call around today and find out if the principal knows anything about this. It looks like they were dumb enough to leave their initials on the door. Grade school.
I need a nap.
Finally finished going through fabric boxes around 2am. Just got home from the morning errands, including lunch at IHOP. :) It was ok, probably won't go back for awhile.
Total slum day, it's a little chilly so we left the little jeep at home. Getting ready to put the top up so I can wash it.
I need a nap in the worst way. I don't think we're going to make it to the Carillon, so I'll probably just go here in a little while to get my nails done. And I still have to pick up the block of the month kits. If I'm back from all of this by 5, I can take a nap before we go out tonight.
Off to the recycled place
More awake now. I need to get a mani/pedi tomorrow, anybody want to go?
Thinking about Panera for lunch. I could use their wifi and collect all o'yo emails.
Nevermind. Coworker is begging me to go w/her. Keep in mind we've already been to Culvers for custard this morning. It's Friday or something, right?
Let's see...last night was a mix of cleaning and yakking on the phone. blah blah blah, but I'm not sure the big Jeep can handle carting all that crap away tomorrow.
Is it 5:00 yet? I need out of here. Starting to feel Office Space-ish. Hope I don't burn anything down. Maybe I should get the Russian to order me a red stapler. I think he wants to go to Doyle's tonight. There's nothing on the list for me, but I'm sure he'll find something.
Listening to: XM Ethel, The Faint - The Conductor
Reading: slashdot
Dragging today. Up too late, up too early.
Bike tires can't be installed until July 1. Did I already mention that? It's supposed to rain for 7 out of the next 7 days tho.
Plan for the weekend:
poss. Doyle tonight, then Meijers
After that, pool? Mowie's?
Head over to Wash park for the Carillon festival?
Or just stay home and whip up some hurricanes? It's season, right? :)
Tomorrow morning:
quilt shop
Drop recycle stuff off, salvation army
poss. go w/the Russian to the new house to work on electrical
auctions? I don't think haryb is having one this weekend, need to check.
go out tomorrow night or stay in
maybe hit the Funny Bone
sewing, maybe.
The county fair starts Wednesday.
Carl's at the new house, measuring something in the basement. I've been networking the laptop and my desktop for a little file transferring. I can hear the cats chasing each other around upstairs. There's no telling what they're into. Alice is with me, we're playing fetch. Well, she is.
I'm just tossing the hedgehog over my shoulder and waiting for her to put it back in my lap. She's good about that, doesn't really care what you're doing as long as you're throwing something for her. The black dogs down the road were out today when I walked her. She's getting better about not trying to go after them. However, we're still having issues with a stupid spaniel that somebody keeps walking off-leash past our house. One of these days maybe I'll let her go after it, she'd just give him a good roll.
Ok, obviously I'm just procrastinating now. I gotta get over to the quilt room and get busy.
It's just dawned on me recently, the inordinate amount of time I spend writing emails back and forth to coworkers. Sample:
from coworker: did you go get custard? I can hear you licking in there!
me: nope, sorry, do you want to go?
cw: i dunno, what's the fotd (flavor of the day)
me: hold on, i'll call
cw: ok, waiting
me: very berry or something
cw: dingleberry?
me: lol, probably
cw: do you want to go?
me: i don't care, do you?
cw: what's the fotd tomorrow?
me: hold on, i'll call
cw: ok, waiting
me: chocolate eclair
cw: oh. i'd rather have that than dingleberry
me: uh, yeah.
cw: let's talk about it tomorrow.
no wonder our mail server has issues. In the meantime, the Russian is emailing to tell me about a bunch of people getting sick at an IHOP in Arkansas. First of all, they didn't get sick off the food, someone sprayed tear gas or something, and second of all...they're in ARKANSAS. He's just trying to talk me out of dragging him there by the hair Saturday morning at 6am. Sorry babe, you're going! :)
It's amazing I ever get any work done. I think I'll tell the network guy that the internet is down (yes, the entire net) and watch his head explode.
Last night I went for the first ride of the season on the interceptor. Man, what a fun little toy that is! I aired up the tires and took off up 6th, to capitol (wtf is going on there, anyway? Roads blocked off, etc). Drove around the capitol complex, then headed down 5th to MacArthur, to Wabash to Chatham and back home again. I need to order some new tires for it today. They're starting to crack. I think they're original, but the bike's only got 5400 miles on it.
I can't wait to take it for a spin around the lake. Maybe tonight, it's supposed to start raining Saturday and not stop for awhile.
We hit the auction at Glenarm after work, didn't stick around long, but I did get the Thangles pulled off the blocks of the month I've been working on. When we got home I watered everything, then took off on the bike. After that I worked some in the basement cleaning out the computer room. Why in the world did I keep so much stupid crap from high school and college? Good grief...I still have gas receipts from 1994! (Well, not anymore, they're in the shredded pile on their way to be recycled, thankfully.) We're taking a trip to the Salvation Army this weekend to make a donation. I have a huge garbage bag of fabric to get rid of, too. It's not good for quilting, but maybe curtains or something would be fine. They're decent sized lengths so hopefully someone will want it. (not doubleknit)
Carl looked up to see what my extra embroidery cards for the little Snoopy machine would be worth and it looks like I'm going to sell at least some of them. I think I'm going to sell that embroidery machine. I don't use it now that I have the D1, and it's just taking up space. It'll probably go up on ebay.
Busy mail day! You guys are chatty :)
One rant for today: minor blurb this morning on the news regarding Al-Zarqawi's death ("show me the severed head!" the Russian yells at the tv), and then massive coverage of brad pitt's new kid. Who cares? I don't need to see the severed head, but they coulda done better.
Listening to: Dirty Vegas - Throwing Shapes
Reading: myspace! I'm addicted. :(
Somehow I got sucked into this Harris Polls thing awhile back. You take surveys and win, points, which you can redeem for fabulous prizes, I'm sure.
So I've been spending part of my day filling out a ridiculous survey about organic yogurt beverages. Ick.
Oh well, at least I've worked my way up to the Hamilton Beach 12-Speed Blender level. Or maybe I should go for the National Lampoon's Vacation Giftset (DVD). At least it's not like I'm in this for the prizes...oh no, not me. I think that someone out there really cares what my opinion is! :)
Carl is spending a crazy amount of his day emailing me about Buy it Now on ebay versus having a regular auction, and the virtues of free shipping.
In the meantime, my t|x is charging via the usb port so I can take it to the auction tonight and play games. I downloaded a new one today: Vexed, off of sourceforge. So far I like it a lot, it's a thinking puzzle game.
Poor Carl, his brain hurts. Hi honey!
Listening to: Our Lady Peace - Starseed
Reading: the back of my checkbook. I wrote a recipe down here, I'm not sure what it's for, tho.
So it dawns on me this morning, I am stuck in a rut. Every morning I wake up, move the dog off of me, drag myself out of bed and get ready for work. I leave at 7:30, get here at 7:40 then do the following: log in, dl mail, 10 minutes of yoga, read mail, write back to Carl. But if you think that's bad, EVERY day he sends me an email telling me what day of the week it is. :)
Maybe I need to shake things up...I'm too young to be this boring! After work is better, I guess my brain is working better by then.
It's 9am and I'm already writing code. Is that a bad thing? At least I found the problem.
Tonight is $Darrell's auction, but I think I'm skipping again. I want to work on the blocks of the month some more. I need to finish ripping the Thangles off (have I mentioned how much I hate these things lately?) and make sure I have the pieces for the last 5 blocks. I decided to do them all at once, assembly-line style. I have until Saturday to get them finished.
Thinking about going to pick up the little jeep at lunch today. I could use the extra sun, I think I'm starting to pick up that lovely monitor green shade again.
I brought the Christmas notebook with me to work, I need to start getting stuff switched over so I can make the yearly trek through the house to make the list of projects. I know we need to decide what we're going to do about the tile in the foyer. It's slate, and I'd like to replace it with hardwood that matches the kitchen and dining rooms, but Carl is resistant. He must be convinced! ;) Sorry honey! Otherwise, I don't think there are a lot of really big projects. I'd like to make a cornice for the big window in the living room. I need to find 12' boards somewhere for that. If that works well, I might consider making another one for the family room. This could require additional power tool purchases!
Compile is done, back later.
Listening to: Foo Fighters - Darling Nikki (trying not to sing too loud at work)
Reading: OrganizedChristmas.Com
I'm just not feeling very creative today. I'm still exhausted from last night, thinking about taking a nap.
I took some new pics of the cats last night. I'll try to load them sometime today.
They're stinky and both need baths.
I just remembered there's a dog club meeting tonight. I don't think I can make it. I've been promising myself for a few weeks that I'd get some quilting done, and I need to have my blocks of the month done by Saturday so I can pick out the batiks I want for the finishing kit. I think I have 7 to go, piece of cake if I get some done tonight and Thursday night.
Okay, that's all I can take. Out for a nap.
To sign in here today for an update.
I did go to my mom's for the weekend, drove the little jeep with the top down. It was fun, but a little chilly Friday night around 10pm!
It's good to be home. It felt really nice to crawl onto my feather bed, rest my head on a feather pillow, and get covered with a feather comforter. 2 nights away from home and Carl is enough.
Tonight's supper: steaks on the grill, baked potatoes, salad, corn on the cob, fresh green beans, watermelon and strawberries. Not that we ate even half of that, but there should be some really tasty leftovers for awhile.
Oh yeah, I signed up for a myspace account today. What? Everybody's doing it!
Hoping to get to spend some time sewing this week, but we're supposed to have severe storms for several of the next few nights, so if I do anything I'll have to use the Janome and not the Viking. I think I've forgotten how to even turn one of them on!
I skipped Dollar Darrell's tonight, Carl went anyway but didn't stay long. I haven't decided if I'm going Wednesday or not, or whether I'm going to Doyle's on Friday. I have a lot to get done this week.
The new a/c was installed today at work. Can't remember if I mentioned it or not here, but someone stole one of our units last week. Crazy. Who in the world steals freaking air conditioners???
'Night, all.
I think we're actually going to see it today! It's done nothing but rain for the last two days. Wednesday we had actual flooding in parts of town...5" of rain in 3 hours! Yesterday it just rained steadily all day. I'm looking forward to getting the little jeep out this afternoon.
I think I'm skipping the big auction tonight. Nothing of special interest, and I'm thinking about driving down to my mom's anyway.
Last night we went over to the new house and Carl did some measuring for the CAD drawing he's making. I guess we were there for about 2 hours. Stopped along the way and picked up some pizza, and then I knitted while he measured. He's ordering a new AC and probably furnace today. It has a dog run! :)
I think that's about it for a Friday morning. I need to find a little caffeine and think about what laundry is clean in case I go anywhere this weekend.