I really wish my XM radio would show the lyrics of the songs I'm listening to. I'd even be happier if it could tell me how much time is left on a particular track.
Didn't get anything done last night that was on my list. We eventually did make it out of the house long enough to go pick up the new family room door. Hopefully it can get installed sometime this weekend since it's supposed to be really nice out.
Apparently it really rained on the east side of Spfld last night, but we got nothing on our side of town.
And I just heard from the vet that she can't operate on Kenny and Vic today, they have a virus. Go figure. So off I go to a pharmacy in Pawnee to pick up tuna flavored liquid antibiotics.
Ok, for the new myspace readers, this one's for you:
 | Myspace Survey
|  |
| | | How long have you been on Myspace? | <1 month | How did you find out about Myspace? | can\'t remember, I heard about it a long time ago. probably isca | How often do you check your Myspace? | every day or every other day, usually | How many friends do you have? | 4, I think | Is Tom still in your top 8? | no, I deleted him! | How often do you rearrange your top 8? | not been here long enough to worry about it | Do you ever clean out your friends list? | not been here long enough to worry about it | Do you forward bulletins sent to you? | sometimes, to my blog, tho. | Do you create your own bulletins from things you find? | no | Do you read all your bulletins? | no | Did you take a picture of yourself just for Myspace? | yes | How often do you change your Myspace layout? | never | Do you have a crush on anyone on Myspace? | no | Have you ever called anyone you met on Myspace? | no | Have you ever met anyone you met on Myspace? | no | Have you fallen in love on Myspace? | no | Have you ever wanted to quit Myspace? | no | What one thing would you add to Myspace? | no idea | What one thing could you never be without on Myspace? | nothing | What is the most annoying thing about Myspace? | people with backgrounds that make it impossible to read the text. | Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
That seemed kind of silly.
Crummy day here.
Listening to: Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness
Reading: code, again.
Posted by tomiandc at June 27, 2006 10:44 AM