June 26, 2006

Can I Go Home Yet?

Took the cats in for their checkups. Turns out they can be declawed already, so I left them there to have that done tomorrow. (horrors!) I know a lot of you are against declawing, but I have leather furniture, and it's either no cats or cats with no claws (they get to keep their back ones).

Otherwise, they were pronounced to be as healthy as tiny horses, and they've doubled in weight since I got them a month ago. Figures. All they do is eat. And poop. I can pick them up on Thursday. Looks like we're definitely NOT going anywhere this weekend.

We'll probably walk down to the lake to watch the marina fireworks on Friday, and Rod's party is Monday night (he'll have the town fireworks in his yard), and the downtown show will probably be Tuesday night. I loves me some flames! I'll never forget the year I took a bunch of photos of the capitol building backlit with a stunning fireworks display. They turned out really well, too, except that it looked like the capitol building itself was on fire. heh, oh well

I'm doing damage control at home tonight. I swear, I leave town and 10 minutes later the house is destroyed. I got most of it done last night, tonight is just emptying the dishwasher and putting away laundry. And I think we're going to Lowe's to get new ceiling fan light kits for the spare rooms.

Ok, one survey today:

How old were you?: 27

Where did you go to school?: I was out of school

Where did you work?: Dynitech, same place I work now

Where did you live?: the same place we live now

Where did you hang out? Mowie's, Coz's, wherever

How was your hair style? long and straight

Did you wear braces?: no

Did you wear glasses?: yes

Who was your best friend?: the Russian

Who was your regular-person crush? I don't remember having one

How many tattoos did you have?: 0

How many piercings did you have?: 4? not sure

What car did you drive?: Toyota Corolla, I think

What was your favorite band/group: can't remember

What was your worst fear?: losing my job

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Yes

Had you gotten drunk?: Yes

Had you driven yet? Yes

Had you been arrested? No

Had you been to a real party yet?: Yep

Had your heart broken?: Yes

Where you single? No


June 2006

How old are you?: 32

What grade are you in?: Still out of college

Where do you go to school?: nowhere

Where do you work: Dynitech

Where do you live?: same house

Where do you hang out?: Mowie's some, Coz's some, wherever *ha*

How is your hair style? short and usually straight

Do you have braces?: no

Do you wear glasses?: yes

Who are your best friends?: the Russian

Still talk to any of your old friends?: Yes

Who is your celebrity crush? Johnny Knoxville or William Shatner

Who is your regular-person crush?: don't have one

How many tattoo's do you have? 0

What kind of car do you have?: Too many of them! Mostly I drive either a Honda Accord, Jeep Grand Cherokee, or Jeep Wrangler.

What is your favorite band/group?: Right this minute, the Smashing Pumpkins, but it varies from day to day

What is your biggest fear?: something happening to Carl

Have you gotten drunk?: Uh, yeah.

Have you been arrested since, if so how many times total: no

Have you ever smoked a cigarette?: not in the last 5 years

Have you been to a real party?: Yes!

Has your heart been broken?: not in the last 5 years

Are you single? No

Are you going to say how many piercings you have now? No. :P And quit asking, I think it's probably rude! LOL


Listening to: Coldplay - Speed of Sound (man, talk about overplayed!)
Reading: code. It's been a long day.

Posted by tomiandc at June 26, 2006 04:55 PM