June 13, 2006

Wait Your Turn

You can pretty much tell how the day is going to go when you get an email from a coworker that says:
I think I'm going to crap my pants.

I started putting the binding on the advent calendar last night. It's looking ok, but I wish it was done. I want to get the tabs put on the back for the dowel rod, and then I can attach the buttons. I'm starting to regret that I got plain red buttons, but the ones I wanted were $2 apiece, and I need 25 of them...ack!

Hopefully I can start fusing the ornaments and felt together tonight, and this little project will be almost done. Still haven't decided what I'm going to do with it at the end. The quilting isn't as nice as I'd like it to be. The little stipple stitch on the D1 has some issues. However, the larger one worked out pretty well.

Ralf and Alice are going with the Russian tonight over to the new house to deter anymore tagging.

Is it Friday yet? This week is brutal.

Listening to: Guster - Amsterdam
Reading: organized Christmas

Posted by tomiandc at June 13, 2006 11:51 AM