June 08, 2006

First ride

Last night I went for the first ride of the season on the interceptor. Man, what a fun little toy that is! I aired up the tires and took off up 6th, to capitol (wtf is going on there, anyway? Roads blocked off, etc). Drove around the capitol complex, then headed down 5th to MacArthur, to Wabash to Chatham and back home again. I need to order some new tires for it today. They're starting to crack. I think they're original, but the bike's only got 5400 miles on it.

I can't wait to take it for a spin around the lake. Maybe tonight, it's supposed to start raining Saturday and not stop for awhile.

We hit the auction at Glenarm after work, didn't stick around long, but I did get the Thangles pulled off the blocks of the month I've been working on. When we got home I watered everything, then took off on the bike. After that I worked some in the basement cleaning out the computer room. Why in the world did I keep so much stupid crap from high school and college? Good grief...I still have gas receipts from 1994! (Well, not anymore, they're in the shredded pile on their way to be recycled, thankfully.) We're taking a trip to the Salvation Army this weekend to make a donation. I have a huge garbage bag of fabric to get rid of, too. It's not good for quilting, but maybe curtains or something would be fine. They're decent sized lengths so hopefully someone will want it. (not doubleknit)

Carl looked up to see what my extra embroidery cards for the little Snoopy machine would be worth and it looks like I'm going to sell at least some of them. I think I'm going to sell that embroidery machine. I don't use it now that I have the D1, and it's just taking up space. It'll probably go up on ebay.

Busy mail day! You guys are chatty :)

One rant for today: minor blurb this morning on the news regarding Al-Zarqawi's death ("show me the severed head!" the Russian yells at the tv), and then massive coverage of brad pitt's new kid. Who cares? I don't need to see the severed head, but they coulda done better.

Listening to: Dirty Vegas - Throwing Shapes
Reading: myspace! I'm addicted. :(

Posted by tomiandc at June 8, 2006 09:24 AM