June 09, 2006


Dragging today. Up too late, up too early.

Bike tires can't be installed until July 1. Did I already mention that? It's supposed to rain for 7 out of the next 7 days tho.

Plan for the weekend:
poss. Doyle tonight, then Meijers
After that, pool? Mowie's?
Head over to Wash park for the Carillon festival?
Or just stay home and whip up some hurricanes? It's season, right? :)

Tomorrow morning:
quilt shop
Drop recycle stuff off, salvation army
poss. go w/the Russian to the new house to work on electrical
auctions? I don't think haryb is having one this weekend, need to check.
go out tomorrow night or stay in
maybe hit the Funny Bone

sewing, maybe.

The county fair starts Wednesday.

Posted by tomiandc at June 9, 2006 10:02 AM