June 22, 2006

Work stuff

Big head honchos coming in today. I've cleaned my office and even brought in a couple of plants from home to make it seem less bare. However, I draw the line at dressing to coordinate with the paint and carpet even if my nails do match my shirt.

In the meantime I'm waiting for a quick and dirty to finish running, and I need to do one more quick test before I can call this problem fixed.

I have an electric pencil sharpener :)

So what's everybody up to today? Email has been pretty quiet so far. You guys all take a surprise vacation or something?

Didn't accomplish a whole lot last night. Carl welded the furnace stand for the new house, and I mostly did laundry. I think we're renting some movies tonight.

Big storms are supposed to move through this afternoon, probably right as I leave to go home. Cats are acting crazy.

* . . About You . . *

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Favorite Color:
Screen Name:
Favorite Movie:
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

* . . Have You Ever . . *

Sat on your rooftop?
Kissed someone in the rain?
Danced in a public place?
Smiled for no reason?
Of course!

* . . Who was the last person to . . *

Say HI to you?
Tell you, I love you?
the Russian
Kiss you?
the Russian
Hug you?
the Russian

* . . What's the last . . *

Time you laughed?
a couple of minutes ago
Time you cried?
last Friday
Movie you watched?
A Christmas Story
Joke you told?
can't remember

* . . Can You . . *

Write with both hands?
not very well
Blow a bubble?
Roll your tounge in a circle?
only if I use my fingers

* . . Finish The Line . . *

If i were a ...
survey, I'd be a better one than this
I wish ...
I could go out to lunch today
So many people don't know that ...
my friend Marsha once stole a semi!
I am ...
sick of work today, and it's not even 10am yet

Listening to: Radiohead - 2+2=5

Posted by tomiandc at June 22, 2006 10:01 AM