Ugh. Weird day at work.
Will be glad when it's over, like all of you I'm sure. ;)
I ran home at lunch, was going to pick up the little Jeep but it's chilly out there! And cloudy :( Normally I like cloudy days but now that I have a convertible I live for them. heehee!
I'm working on Alice's paperwork to have her ILP'd into the AKC. With any luck she'll be eligible for obedience shows before too long. :)
Going to lunch early makes for a long afternoon, I'll say that. When I get home from work I still have to pack my suitcase, get the dogs' stuff together, make sure the big Jeep is cleaned out, load it up, and finally get on the road. I'm sure we'll have to stop 6 times between here and there.
Back to work!
I wanted to tell everyone thanks for your messages of condolence on the death of our kitty, Lucy. It means a lot to us that you recognize that she was an important part of our family, and that we'll miss her for a long time to come.
We're going to my Mom's for the weekend, for the first time in awhile. This should be interesting! Both dogs are going, they have appointments at the v-e-t (shhh! Don't tell them!) tomorrow morning. I'm sure they will both be going crazy once I get the suitcase out tonight when I get home. Alice likes to sit in the suitcase while I pack it, so I don't forget to take her with me. ;) Not an easy feat for a dog that size!
Carl is going to build an electric start for my mom's finish mower, so we're taking bits of pieces of other motors down there to go along with the other parts he's got coming. I hope there's room for everything!
In the freecycle news, last night I got rid of an ironing board and 2 packages of Dryel. Yay! I need to pick out some stuff for next week's list, and in the meantime call the photography professor at the college and find out if anybody's interested in some extra darkroom equipment I have.
Have a good weekend everybody!
Apparently today is Bring Your Kid to Work day. Shoulda brought Alice again. She was pretty good for it last year.
I think I'm going to shut my door.
Last night was interesting. We attended the Network class at Cherry Hills. I'm learning more the 2nd time around, for sure. My gift is Craftsmanship, with minors in administration and helps. Not sure what I'll end up doing with that, but the consultation should be fun :)
Tonight we're going to spend cleaning the house up and doing laundry. Going out of town to mom's tomorrow night, the dogs are going to the vet Saturday morning so they both need baths. Since Lucy died, Ralfie has been especially sweet, so I hate to give him a bath (he always thinks he's in trouble) but he's starting to smell funny, so in he goes!
Hopefully somebody from freecycle shows up tonight to take away the ironing board I have. I'm really making some progress in the basement. Now if I can just convince Carl to move some plywood and styrofoam insulation out of the way I'll really be able to get somewhere. My goal is to have the basement completely finished up by Christmas (not finished as in living space, but finished as in cleaned up to the point I want it to be). We'll see!
That's what Carl calls Wednesdays, since we usually go to Dollar Darrell's. However, we're still in the Network class at church, so no Darrelling for awhile. Haha! (You can make Darrell's name into almost anything)
And...I brought the laptop today, so I can finally respond to all of your emails!
Last night we buried Lucy and said goodbye. She was almost 13 years old, so still kind of young for a cat. Ralf and Alice were doing pretty well this morning, and we're talking about getting another cat, maybe. It probably won't be for at least a month, because I'm going to be out of town for the next 3 weekends! We haven't decided if we want a kitten or a more grownup cat, but we definitely know we want a male, named Ed (to carry on with our Honeymooners theme!). I figured out that on average, my cats live to be 15, so if I live to be 75, that will mean I'll have had 5 cats in my lifetime, if I only have one at a time, which is very probable. I'm not so much of a cat person, but one is nice to have around. Any more than that and I feel like they're plotting against me!
Anyway, after we buried Lucy, 2 people from Freecycle came by and took our humidifier, an ice cream maker and a wooden elephant. Bye-bye junk! :) I like dealing with Freecycle, it's a great way to get rid of stuff that's just collecting dust. I'm also getting rid of an extra ironing board I have, hopefully tomorrow night.
I think that's all the news for today. Feeling much, much better, and thinking about doing my nails. heehee! (letting them grow out for the Nashville hair show. I have a week and a half left!)
My kitty cat died today.
She had a stroke, I think, around 6:40 this morning. Last night she was kind of wobbling around, and didn't want to eat. I had already called the vet because I was concerned (last week I took her in for bloodwork and she had some issues), so I was anxious to see how she was doing this morning when I got up.
She was lying on the foyer floor, all sprawled out. I wrapped her up in a towel and took her into the family room and rocked her. I started praying that she wouldn't suffer anymore, and I knew I was going to have to have her put to sleep, but the vet didn't open until 7:30. I prayed that she could die before we even got in the car, because I knew she didn't like car rides, and even though I was pretty sure she didn't know what was going on around her, I didn't want to take a chance that she'd be unhappy in the car. 3 minutes later she died in my arms. I will always be so thankful to God for that. He is so faithful!
Carl is going to bury her under her bird feeders out back, where she used to lay around in the summer waiting for a bird to fall conveniently into her mouth.
I still don't have my laptop with me here at work, and I know I'm woefully behind, but I'm sure you'll all understand.
Hey y'all, I don't have my laptop with me today at work, so I can't respond to much email. I'll try and check it at lunch if I go home.
Weekend was pretty good, we hit the Doyle auction Friday night and Carl got a heat pump, brand new, for $5! I guess nobody else knew what it was for. He thinks he can sell it for a quick $100 to somebody he works with. Not bad for 5 minutes work, huh? :)
Saturday we went to a couple of garage sales, and then drove over to Ashland for an auction. Oh my goodness! I guess a lady had died, and her kids were having the sale of all her stuff. They didn't realize how much stuff she had...there was one whole trailer of nothing but fabric! It sold for $1 a box, and I managed to restrain myself to only buying 5 boxes (2 for turbans, 3 for quilting). She had a lot (a LOT) of doubleknit. I keep thinking that someday, someone is going to have to come up with an alternative use for that stuff, because there's so much of it and NOBODY wants it!
She also had many, many boxes of patterns (I didn't buy any), and more yarn than I could use in a lifetime. Some of you remember that last summer I bought out a lady's stash at a yard sale for $20, and you were laughing because we had to roll the car windows down in the backseat in order to finish fitting it all in (forget boxes, we had to unbox everything and cram it where we could, even under the seats!). Well, there was another lady at this auction who bought all the rest of the material after everyone was done looking at it. And THEN she bought all of the patterns, too! We watched her and her husband (who looked pretty angry) loading it all up, but didn't stick around to find out if everything would fit.
Anyway. Carl bought some clamps (because you can never have too many) and some copper wire. They sold a 1986 Jayco popup camper for $1600! You can definitely tell it's the beginning of camping season. In September that wouldn't have gone for $1000.
After we got home from the auction we found a message from Carl's mom, their stove had gone out. She was having an Easter dinner party for 22 people the next day...and the stove quits working. Ack! They bought a new one and we went over so Carl could help his dad put it in. Disaster averted! After we got home, I made tiropetas for the first time. They came out really well, especially for someone who'd never worked with phyllo dough before. Very tasty, and I normally don't care for feta cheese too much. I was up until after 10:00 baking them, and then...
Yesterday morning, we get up and go to early church, and then I drop Carl off at home and pick up the triangles and go straight over to Mama Tanya's to help her get ready for the party. I made salad and chopped fruit and sorted silver and china and glassware and tablecloths and all kinds of stuff before everyone arrived. It was a fun party, and I'm glad I was able to help. There were no tiropetas left! :) It was nice to be able to spend some time chatting with Mama Tanya's friends...they're all from somewhere else (Greece, Serbia, Russia, etc) and they've all led the most fascinating lives!
After helping with cleanup, Carl and I came home and crashed. I cleaned up the kitchen some, but I'll do a regular deep clean one night this week. Right now the fridge is stocked with leftovers and I shouldn't have to cook much for awhile. :)
So that was the weekend. Next weekend I'll be in Harrisburg visiting my mom. It's been awhile since I was there! Then the week after that is our trip to Nashville. I can't wait!
TGIF! I think we're hitting the Doyle auction tonight, and probably another one in Ashland tomorrow morning after yard-saling.
Making up the yard sale list. I think it's still pretty early for sales to hit, but you never know :)
I am so sleepy today! It's supposed to be 72 later on, and perfect all weekend. We're celebrating Orthodox Easter at Mama Tanya's on Sunday, and she's having a crowd! I'll be helping her get ready that morning. My job is food prep :)
Going home at lunch today to get the little Jeep since it's not going to rain.
Listening to: coworkers arguing
Yay! It's almost Friday! And that means it's almost, almost Saturday!
Yeah, I'm a kook.
Took the cat to the vet this morning. Waiting for bloodwork results to come back tomorrow. Right now she's in her carrier on top of my credenza here at work. I'm surprised she's not howling, but she's actually being pretty subdued.
MXC marathon today!
I think I'm picking up the little Jeep when I go home for lunch. It's supposed to be really nice out all day today. Rain tomorrow.
I wish it was Saturday. We had so much fun last Saturday, I want to do it all over again. Fortunately it looks like the weather is going to hold up (so far).
Severe storms last night, tornado in Lincoln, blah blah blah. Same old weather stuff. ha! Carl talked to his friend Donnie who lives 1/2 mile from us, and Donnie tells him that one of the last tornadoes wiped out in his backyard. He SAW it! So it did come that close to us. Scary.
Last night we went to try out Cici's Pizza. It was ok, nothing spectacular, and they had some weird pizzas. They're right across the street from where the new IHOP is going in...c'mon IHOP! Open up! Make me some pancakes! ha! (This is a running joke...every week Carl calls the builder in charge of the IHOP project and asks him when they're going to be done, because his wife wants pancakes. I think the guy is starting to think I'm a little nutty. heehee)
The guy in the office next to me is gone today, it should be quiet. Maybe Carl will stop by to see me :)
Went to the auction at Glenarm last night. Carl bought a can of aluminum polish and some little fishing implements that he's going to convert into rope holders in the garage. I was kind of sleepy when he was talking about it. haha
He's in Decatur today. :( He's called twice, though, just to see what I'm up to. Heehee!
So it's official, Houston's is closed in Nashville. And so did Club Caliente. :( So if you know of any other salsa hotspots in the area (preferably within walking distance of downtown...I don't fancy getting trashed or anything, but don't want to take chances), let me know.
Schedule for the next few weeks:
This weekend - Carl's Easter. Helping his mom throw her big dinner party.
Apr 29th-30th - at my mom's, I think.
May 6th-9th - Nashville
That's as far out as I have planned. Haven't decided what we're doing for Memorial day yet.
Ugh. Monday. 'Nuff said.
Let's see...Saturday was good. Carl and I got up early and went out to breakfast, then garage sale-ing in the little jeep. We ended up in Greenview and then made our way back to town, stopping at the house on 5th street that's being fixed up. It's looking a little better, but still has quite a ways to go.
We had lunch at Jolly Tamale, and then went home and did yardwork. Mowed back and front yards, I transferred plants and FINALLY took down Christmas lights! I don't think I'm the last person in our neighborhood to do so, however. haha!
We got everything done outside just as it started to rain, so we cleaned up and went to town for a little while.
Yesterday we went to the 7:45 service, then came home and washed 4 of our cars, and I planted some grass seed and fertilized some. I think that's about it!
Tonight I suppose we're going to the auction, and then I want to work on some laundry, it's beginning to pile up.
That's how many I have left until I can leave. Actually, my boss asked if I was leaving early today, or did I want to do some EDI training. I never knew that leaving early was an option on Friday :) I'll have to remember that!
Tonight's schedule:
5:00 go home
5:15 let dogs out, play
5:45 go for jeep ride to get supper, or maybe just for a fill up
6:30 leave for church
7:00-? Good Friday service
Come home ;)
I think we're going to an auction tomorrow, in between mowing the yard, washing cars and transplanting bulbs from the backyard to the front. I think I'm taking a break from the computer this weekend, so I'll see y'all on Monday unless something super-exciting happens. haha!
Listening to: RHCP - Dani California
Not much going on here, I have a list of stuff to finish up today. Tonight we're going to the GF service at church.
My mom is having a tough time keeping her trap shut about the trip to Nashville.
So there's a news story about a 6-year-old kid getting eaten by a bear in Cherokee National Forest in TN. Normally I wouldn't think a lot about this (other than of course, it's sad), but when Carl and I were in that area a couple of years ago we saw an idiot pulled off to the side of the road trying to feed a bear something out of their cooler. Yeah, they come down to the road, and the more people are that stupid to try and interact with them, the more dangerous the bears get. Stupid!
Last night was a quiet one. We took the little jeep out for a ride, had supper out, and mostly relaxed at home. It was good :)
pet peeve of the day: people who say they're going to do something, and then don't. And that's not just the pet peeve of THIS day, but of every day.
Listening to: Smashing Pumpkins - Thirty-Three
Freecell game: 5480
Bleh. Another boring Thursday. But at least it's Friday Eve! :)
Carl's in Bloomington today, so no emails from him. :( Hopefully we can hang out together tonight after he gets back. I need to go to Sam's and get some stuff, maybe I'll do that at lunch today.
Drove the little Jeep down to Glenarm last night to Dollar Darrell's. It was windy but fun. I think that little car is such a blast! I wish it had XM installed in it, but I have this little gadget that plugs into the power outlet that also plugs into my PDA, so I can play the stuff on my memory cards in the car. It works pretty well.
Listening to: U2 - Beautiful Day
Freecell: 5456
That's how the little jeep is today :) I managed to put it down by myself this morning and decided to go ahead and drive it. It was 67 out, I wore a light jacket and it was fine. A little windy. haha! I came through town since I figured the highway would be a little too rough at this hour, but I'll probably go home that way for lunch.
Carl was still asleep when I left, there was no getting him up this morning. Good. He needs the rest. I can't remember if I mentioned it yesterday, but he made it back from Chicago by 2pm, everything was fine. Praise God! (We had prayed together before he left, for a smooth flight and for everyone to be nicer than they normally are.)
Finished watching the 10 Commandments last night on ABC. Wow, they REALLY took some creative licensing on the 2nd installment. Carl actually got out his Bible and followed along, and there were LOTS of things missing, and they added a lot of stuff, too. I liked the first part better. Those plagues are really something.
Theme song of today: Polyphonic Spree's Light & Day
I think we're going to the auction tonight at Glenarm. Hopefully they'll have something good, but the guy quit putting up photos of the upcoming stuff, so you don't really know until you get there.
My boss comes back from work tomorrow, his bosses are out until Monday. It's been a quiet week, but yesterday was a little wild in the afternoon. Hopefully today is quiet so we can finish up all of those problems.
My mom is busy deciding where all we're going to shop in Nashville. So far we've decided on: Mall at Green Hills and Opry Mills. I've never been to either one, although I think I've been to the Stone River mall in Murfreesboro before. I'm hoping we get to go to Ruth's Chris, and my mom wants to eat at PF Changs once. Otherwise, I'm in the mood for some good salsa clubs, any recommendations? It's been awhile. We're staying at the Renaissance downtown, right behind the Wild Horse. Hoping they have free wifi like the one in StL.
Listening to: Coldplay - Talk
Today is an "off" day. I'm at work, but all the bosses are out, and Carl's flying to Chicago this morning. Everything feels weird...normally by now I have an email from him reminding me what day of the week it is. haha
Last night was pretty quiet, I stayed home and skipped the quilt meeting, Carl worked late, so the dogs and I watched the first part of the 10 Commandments movie that was on ABC. It was ok, but parts of it weren't exactly biblical. They took some creative license, but it wasn't bad for ABC.
I'm thinking about going home at lunch and picking up the little jeep. It's supposed to be 75 out today, and no rain. Good day to take the top down, and I need to make sure I can do that by myself, so I might as well.
I've decided that between now and the next hair show I'm going to grow my nails out some. I want to get a manicure/pedicure before I go.
I miss Carl. :(
Listening to: Jack's Mannequin - The Mixed Tape
Freecell: 5448, hoping to get close to 5500 today.
Bleh, Monday.
Got home yesterday afternoon around 4:30, promptly took a nap and woke up at 8. Guess how well I slept last night.
Reflections on a hair show: everything is set up to make you feel like you're not "right", or good enough. I'm convinced you could show up to one of these things totally put together and by the time you left you'd feel like you needed a haircut (or extensions), more makeup (or less), different conditioner (or other products), coarser hair (or finer), etc etc. What a discouraging place!
Regardless, I'm glad I went, and am looking forward to attending another one sometime soon. And, if nothing else, I'm convinced that I need to get my hair cut. I saw a really cute cut yesterday that I think I'm going to get.
Carl's flying to Chi-town tomorrow for a meeting. I think he's coming back tomorrow night. Must lay out his suit tonight, I think they leave at 9am. They're taking JP's plane, so at least they can avoid the regular airport rigamarole.
Alice missed me this weekend. When I got back yesterday I walked into the bedroom and she was laying on my side of the bed, not asleep. I said "did you think I wasn't coming home?" and she flew off the bed to see me. She was hard to settle down last night.
However, I taught her a new trick before I left, and she remembers it :) We're working on retrieving for utility. So she goes into a sit-wait while I throw something to the other side of the room. She has to wait until I tell her to go get whatever it is, and then when she gets back with it she has to sit, then place the item in my hand. So far so good :) We're also working on some jumps, but I need an actual set of them. She doesn't like to use the gates that are set up in the house because she thinks she'll get in trouble for jumping them.
Quilt guild meeting is tonight, should be interesting, I haven't been in awhile. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough.
Listening to: U2 - All Because of You
Freecell game: 5438
I'm in St Louis, at the Renaissance Suites Hotel. Spent yesterday shopping mostly, I ended up with 2 pairs of shoes at Nordstroms, some jeans, Sephora lipstick, and a sweater from Coldwater Creek. There was a shoe store going out of business at West County, but I couldn't find anything I really liked. I planned on stopping at DSW on our way back, but we passed it up before I figured that out. Too bad...I used to shop at the one in Houston all the time.
The baseball stadium here opens up tomorrow, I'm really glad I'm going home this afternoon. I think I'm going to stop at Jackman's on the way. I don't really need anything, but it will be fun to just browse. And you all KNOW I can't say no to fat quarters.
Listening to: Muzak through hotel speakers.
Freecell game: 5436
So yesterday I had to go with Carl's dad over to a house to videotape the death and destruction left behind by the last renter. I realized Wednesday night that my video camera's battery is pretty much shot, and that I needed a new one. Yesterday morning I logged onto Circuit City, bought the battery for local pickup and promptly forgot about it. At lunch I remembered about it, so went to pick it up and forgot to even retrieve the email with the order number. However! CC has an open wifi connection, so I was able to grab my mail, find the message with the order number, and get my battery (which works great, btw...450 minutes of recording time!) :)
Made some new pj's last night to take with me this weekend. They're cute...flannel with sheep jumping over fences. I made them out of some $1/yard stuff I got at Joanns on Black Friday a couple of years ago. I quit buying that stuff...the last pair I made didn't last anytime. As I was finishing the seams on this set I noticed I can see daylight through the needle holes! They should be alright for the weekend, anyway.
Hitting Doyle's tonight, I think. I need to check the list and see if they're going to have anything good. I thought the list had a bunch of high tech stuff on it this week.
Oh yeah! I finished the Phonetix II puzzle yesterday!!! Woohoo! Now I'm just waiting for Cryptix to come out. I think it's supposed to be more like the original Logix riddle. I love riddles :) It's even fun to say! hahaha!
I have got laundry backed up out the wazoo, so hopefully we get home from doyle's in time for me to deal with it. I still have to pack the suitcase. Not sure what time everyone is leaving in the morning. I need to pick up some snacks, and make sure I have the bathing suit packed. They have free wifi, so I'll be able to update all of you lovely people (I know you'll be holding your breath!).
And I finished the network gift assessment last night. My top gift was Craftsmanship (who does that surprise, really?) and after that were Helps and Administration. I like to organize things, so I guess that's where the admin came from.
Lastly, I need to apologize for not getting back to some of your emails. Work has been just crazy this week, what with month end and a major go-live. I'm hoping to spend today working on a website for a new customer, and maybe stay out of the support stuff. And with that I'm also hoping to get a chance to even retrieve my messages and go through them.
Listening to: O. A. R. - Love and Memories
Freecell game: 5423
So it's rainy and a little stormy and a little chilly outside. Perfect :) However, I didn't want to get up this morning, and when I left for work, Carl was still in bed. I was late, but it turns out not to matter because everyone else is, too.
We went to Network last night. Tonight I'm going to a house on 5th street to take a video with Carl's dad. Apparently the last renters left a real mess. I charged up the camera last night, but I think the battery is getting old, so I'll pick up a new one today at lunch. And I just ordered a new cellphone battery. This must be battery day :)
Almost finished with the Phonetix 2 puzzle, yay! I have 3 of the riddles left, and then I can relax for awhile and get back to freecell. ha! Feroz tells us he's working on a new puzzle for Easter, so I'll have maybe a week off in-between going crazy. :)
Listening to: Everlast - What It's Like
Freecell game: 5405, I think.
I woke up thinking it was Tuesday...then I get to work and it's Wednesday. Carl got home at 1:30 last night, so I left him sleeping this morning. I figured he needed the rest at this point. Hopefully his project is done and tonight we can go to Network and then hang out at home.
Went to the dog club meeting last night. It was pretty tame, and we were out by 8:30. I've been researching breed standards to see which ones would be a good fit for Alice (for the ILP). I'm thinking more and more that I'll go with bullmastiff. One of the club members is thinking about adding a flyball class, which I think we'll have to do. :)
Our temps started out at 35 today, supposed to get to 68, and then probably back down. Big storms on the way in again tonight through Friday, possible tornadoes, again. Carl found out yesterday that the Mansion Rd/Hway 4 tornado on Sunday came within 1/2 mile of our house. I knew it had to be close, the air outside was really brown with dirt, and the wind was just unbelievable.
Why is it I can never remember system root passwords, but IP addresses are no problem? And I can't remember names, but phone numbers with extensions are easy. Gotta be a numbers thing.
Listening to: Jon Hopkins - Private Universe
Freecell game: 5401. Yeah yeah yeah.
Woohoo! 100th entry! Big deal.
Today has been a wild ride at work. Lots going on, and I didn't have any time to work on my special projects, but overall it's been interesting. I'm learning some new stuff.
Dog club meets tonight, hopefully it doesn't run too long. I need to get some stuff done at home since I'll be out of town this weekend.
Last night we hit the auction in Glenarm but didn't stay. Carl worked late so I hung out with the pups and played a lot. I can't wait for it to warm up so I can set up jumps for Alice and we can start working. I'd like to get a whole agility course set up, but I don't have all of the equipment, and it's kind of expensive.
Anyway, Carl is working late again tonight :( Tomorrow night we have Network, and Thursday night I have to go video one of the rentals that was recently vacated. Friday night we'll probably hit the Doyle auction. I think that's our week in a minute. Heehee!
Listening to: Some Starstreams thing
Freecell game: 5400, finally! I just haven't been in the mood to play a whole lot lately.
Reading: The Worst Noel, which is the worst book I've read in a long time. Thank goodness I didn't buy it, and just checked it out of the library.
More tornadoes last night. I was taking a nap and Carl woke me up to say that there were really bad storms on the way. I didn't want to go to the basement right away because it looked fine outside. 5 minutes later the tornado sirens started going off, so I asked Carl to get the big flashlight out of the little Jeep while I got the backpack with the radio so we could go down to the basement. While he was grabbing the flashlight I ran into the kitchen to get something, and all of a sudden there was stuff flying EVERYwhere outside! I could hear and see things hitting our windows, so I ran and got Carl and we flew to the basement with the dogs.
I could hear the wind absolutely howling outside, and Carl said his ears were popping. We flipped on the tv in the sewing room and they were talking about a tornado at Mansion Road (in Chatham) and highway 4, moving northeast. This meant it was headed straight for our area. There was another tornado on the ground at Wabash and Koke Mill, which is less than a mile away from my office. Here we go again, I was thinking...
I was praying like crazy for the storms to fizzle out, and I guess they did. After the worst was past, we went out for a drive to see what kind of damage there was. The news people had been talking about rooves blown off that were just fixed 3 weeks ago, Lowe's was on fire because of a lightning strike, power lines that had just been replaced were now on the ground again, and lots of traffic lights down. We didn't see any damage that was really bad, and while a lot of people lost power, it wasn't anything as bad as the last set of storms. Did I mention that was 3 weeks ago to the day? Talk about freaking people out...
So yeah, we're fine, and no worse for the wear. We did have a lot of big limbs down in our yard, and some of them came close to crashing vehicles, but nothing was hurt. Our windows held up, and while we have a bunch of trash flying around in our yard (today was trash day), we'll get it cleaned up. Hopefully before the next storm system moves in Thursday night. ;)
As for the rest of yesterday, I worked the dog trial in the morning after early church. It was a lot of fun to watch the utility dogs (2 qualified!) and I got some good ideas on new ways to work with Alice. I'm also considering getting her ILP'd into the AKC so that she can show. We'll see :) I'm thinking I'll try her as a bullmastiff and see what they say. Hopefully!
Listening to: nothing. It's crazy at work today, month end plus a big customer had a big upgrade.
Freecell game: somewhere in the 5370's, I think. I played a little bit yesterday.
Yesterday was interesting. I went along with Carl to Bloomington for a day of shopping while he attended a seminar.
I managed to snag a Q sensor foot for the Designer 1, and the single hole needle plate.
Also picked up some clothes and sunglasses at Bergners. Oh yeah, and a bag full of fabric at the Treadle. heehee! We had an early supper at Biaggi's, where I checked email on their free wifi, and saw that Doyle was having an auction, so...of course we had to go!
Carl bought a couple of saws and a 10 gauge shotgun to "complete the collection". I was partially interested in a Leicaflex they had, but it went for $600!!! I don't know what time we got home, but it was late and we'd been gone all day.
I don't think we're going to any auctions today. This morning I worked on the yellow brick road quilt. I have the first 2 rows put together and just took a break to watch Valmont.
Next I need to straighten up in case anybody comes over a little later, and then finish up putting the blocks together. I'll work on the borders later.
I think I'll take the dogs to the dog park this afternoon.
AFTER I get through 197 emails!