April 28, 2006

Going Home

I wanted to tell everyone thanks for your messages of condolence on the death of our kitty, Lucy. It means a lot to us that you recognize that she was an important part of our family, and that we'll miss her for a long time to come.

We're going to my Mom's for the weekend, for the first time in awhile. This should be interesting! Both dogs are going, they have appointments at the v-e-t (shhh! Don't tell them!) tomorrow morning. I'm sure they will both be going crazy once I get the suitcase out tonight when I get home. Alice likes to sit in the suitcase while I pack it, so I don't forget to take her with me. ;) Not an easy feat for a dog that size!

Carl is going to build an electric start for my mom's finish mower, so we're taking bits of pieces of other motors down there to go along with the other parts he's got coming. I hope there's room for everything!

In the freecycle news, last night I got rid of an ironing board and 2 packages of Dryel. Yay! I need to pick out some stuff for next week's list, and in the meantime call the photography professor at the college and find out if anybody's interested in some extra darkroom equipment I have.

Have a good weekend everybody!

Posted by tomiandc at April 28, 2006 08:23 AM