That's what Carl calls Wednesdays, since we usually go to Dollar Darrell's. However, we're still in the Network class at church, so no Darrelling for awhile. Haha! (You can make Darrell's name into almost anything)
And...I brought the laptop today, so I can finally respond to all of your emails!
Last night we buried Lucy and said goodbye. She was almost 13 years old, so still kind of young for a cat. Ralf and Alice were doing pretty well this morning, and we're talking about getting another cat, maybe. It probably won't be for at least a month, because I'm going to be out of town for the next 3 weekends! We haven't decided if we want a kitten or a more grownup cat, but we definitely know we want a male, named Ed (to carry on with our Honeymooners theme!). I figured out that on average, my cats live to be 15, so if I live to be 75, that will mean I'll have had 5 cats in my lifetime, if I only have one at a time, which is very probable. I'm not so much of a cat person, but one is nice to have around. Any more than that and I feel like they're plotting against me!
Anyway, after we buried Lucy, 2 people from Freecycle came by and took our humidifier, an ice cream maker and a wooden elephant. Bye-bye junk! :) I like dealing with Freecycle, it's a great way to get rid of stuff that's just collecting dust. I'm also getting rid of an extra ironing board I have, hopefully tomorrow night.
I think that's all the news for today. Feeling much, much better, and thinking about doing my nails. heehee! (letting them grow out for the Nashville hair show. I have a week and a half left!)
Posted by tomiandc at April 26, 2006 08:08 AM