April 10, 2006

Back to Work

Bleh, Monday.

Got home yesterday afternoon around 4:30, promptly took a nap and woke up at 8. Guess how well I slept last night.

Reflections on a hair show: everything is set up to make you feel like you're not "right", or good enough. I'm convinced you could show up to one of these things totally put together and by the time you left you'd feel like you needed a haircut (or extensions), more makeup (or less), different conditioner (or other products), coarser hair (or finer), etc etc. What a discouraging place!

Regardless, I'm glad I went, and am looking forward to attending another one sometime soon. And, if nothing else, I'm convinced that I need to get my hair cut. I saw a really cute cut yesterday that I think I'm going to get.

Carl's flying to Chi-town tomorrow for a meeting. I think he's coming back tomorrow night. Must lay out his suit tonight, I think they leave at 9am. They're taking JP's plane, so at least they can avoid the regular airport rigamarole.

Alice missed me this weekend. When I got back yesterday I walked into the bedroom and she was laying on my side of the bed, not asleep. I said "did you think I wasn't coming home?" and she flew off the bed to see me. She was hard to settle down last night.

However, I taught her a new trick before I left, and she remembers it :) We're working on retrieving for utility. So she goes into a sit-wait while I throw something to the other side of the room. She has to wait until I tell her to go get whatever it is, and then when she gets back with it she has to sit, then place the item in my hand. So far so good :) We're also working on some jumps, but I need an actual set of them. She doesn't like to use the gates that are set up in the house because she thinks she'll get in trouble for jumping them.

Quilt guild meeting is tonight, should be interesting, I haven't been in awhile. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough.

Listening to: U2 - All Because of You
Freecell game: 5438

Posted by tomiandc at April 10, 2006 10:17 AM