Hey y'all, I don't have my laptop with me today at work, so I can't respond to much email. I'll try and check it at lunch if I go home.
Weekend was pretty good, we hit the Doyle auction Friday night and Carl got a heat pump, brand new, for $5! I guess nobody else knew what it was for. He thinks he can sell it for a quick $100 to somebody he works with. Not bad for 5 minutes work, huh? :)
Saturday we went to a couple of garage sales, and then drove over to Ashland for an auction. Oh my goodness! I guess a lady had died, and her kids were having the sale of all her stuff. They didn't realize how much stuff she had...there was one whole trailer of nothing but fabric! It sold for $1 a box, and I managed to restrain myself to only buying 5 boxes (2 for turbans, 3 for quilting). She had a lot (a LOT) of doubleknit. I keep thinking that someday, someone is going to have to come up with an alternative use for that stuff, because there's so much of it and NOBODY wants it!
She also had many, many boxes of patterns (I didn't buy any), and more yarn than I could use in a lifetime. Some of you remember that last summer I bought out a lady's stash at a yard sale for $20, and you were laughing because we had to roll the car windows down in the backseat in order to finish fitting it all in (forget boxes, we had to unbox everything and cram it where we could, even under the seats!). Well, there was another lady at this auction who bought all the rest of the material after everyone was done looking at it. And THEN she bought all of the patterns, too! We watched her and her husband (who looked pretty angry) loading it all up, but didn't stick around to find out if everything would fit.
Anyway. Carl bought some clamps (because you can never have too many) and some copper wire. They sold a 1986 Jayco popup camper for $1600! You can definitely tell it's the beginning of camping season. In September that wouldn't have gone for $1000.
After we got home from the auction we found a message from Carl's mom, their stove had gone out. She was having an Easter dinner party for 22 people the next day...and the stove quits working. Ack! They bought a new one and we went over so Carl could help his dad put it in. Disaster averted! After we got home, I made tiropetas for the first time. They came out really well, especially for someone who'd never worked with phyllo dough before. Very tasty, and I normally don't care for feta cheese too much. I was up until after 10:00 baking them, and then...
Yesterday morning, we get up and go to early church, and then I drop Carl off at home and pick up the triangles and go straight over to Mama Tanya's to help her get ready for the party. I made salad and chopped fruit and sorted silver and china and glassware and tablecloths and all kinds of stuff before everyone arrived. It was a fun party, and I'm glad I was able to help. There were no tiropetas left! :) It was nice to be able to spend some time chatting with Mama Tanya's friends...they're all from somewhere else (Greece, Serbia, Russia, etc) and they've all led the most fascinating lives!
After helping with cleanup, Carl and I came home and crashed. I cleaned up the kitchen some, but I'll do a regular deep clean one night this week. Right now the fridge is stocked with leftovers and I shouldn't have to cook much for awhile. :)
So that was the weekend. Next weekend I'll be in Harrisburg visiting my mom. It's been awhile since I was there! Then the week after that is our trip to Nashville. I can't wait!
Posted by tomiandc at April 24, 2006 08:13 AM