More tornadoes last night. I was taking a nap and Carl woke me up to say that there were really bad storms on the way. I didn't want to go to the basement right away because it looked fine outside. 5 minutes later the tornado sirens started going off, so I asked Carl to get the big flashlight out of the little Jeep while I got the backpack with the radio so we could go down to the basement. While he was grabbing the flashlight I ran into the kitchen to get something, and all of a sudden there was stuff flying EVERYwhere outside! I could hear and see things hitting our windows, so I ran and got Carl and we flew to the basement with the dogs.
I could hear the wind absolutely howling outside, and Carl said his ears were popping. We flipped on the tv in the sewing room and they were talking about a tornado at Mansion Road (in Chatham) and highway 4, moving northeast. This meant it was headed straight for our area. There was another tornado on the ground at Wabash and Koke Mill, which is less than a mile away from my office. Here we go again, I was thinking...
I was praying like crazy for the storms to fizzle out, and I guess they did. After the worst was past, we went out for a drive to see what kind of damage there was. The news people had been talking about rooves blown off that were just fixed 3 weeks ago, Lowe's was on fire because of a lightning strike, power lines that had just been replaced were now on the ground again, and lots of traffic lights down. We didn't see any damage that was really bad, and while a lot of people lost power, it wasn't anything as bad as the last set of storms. Did I mention that was 3 weeks ago to the day? Talk about freaking people out...
So yeah, we're fine, and no worse for the wear. We did have a lot of big limbs down in our yard, and some of them came close to crashing vehicles, but nothing was hurt. Our windows held up, and while we have a bunch of trash flying around in our yard (today was trash day), we'll get it cleaned up. Hopefully before the next storm system moves in Thursday night. ;)
As for the rest of yesterday, I worked the dog trial in the morning after early church. It was a lot of fun to watch the utility dogs (2 qualified!) and I got some good ideas on new ways to work with Alice. I'm also considering getting her ILP'd into the AKC so that she can show. We'll see :) I'm thinking I'll try her as a bullmastiff and see what they say. Hopefully!
Listening to: nothing. It's crazy at work today, month end plus a big customer had a big upgrade.
Freecell game: somewhere in the 5370's, I think. I played a little bit yesterday.