The Russian reminded me that I haven't posted here in awhile, so here's your update. :P
Not a lot has happened in the last week...I went to my mom's over the weekend and picked up the kittens (we did NOT go to Walmart, for probably the first time ever). They're fine, still a little bit sore, but seem to have forgiven me and all that.
Let's see...I also had my hair colored again, it has more red and blonde stripes. Next time I think we're going red all over, but that's not set in stone yet. I think I'll try Logix 7R (for those of you playing along at home).
Yesterday I upgraded the message board as a trial for the vtr250 board upgrade this weekend. It went pretty well, with just a few kinks. Hopefully nothing gets lost in translation. I still need to update the symphony site, trying to get that done today/tonight.
Carl is still working on both the new house and the playhouse, and I think he's getting tired of them both. Really glad this next weekend is a 3-day, and we might to rest up.
I've finished the top of the Christmas quilt. Going today at lunch to pick out something for the border, it doesn't really look done yet. I think I'm going to pick up the green that's in the thangle blocks and use that. I'll post a pic once it's done. Next project will be to start the shop hop blocks (black quilt) from last fall. I have all the blocks, just need to cut them out and put them together. No Thangles!!! :)
I think that's it from this end. My tomatoes are still coming on pretty well, and the German ones are a definite hit.
Current PDA addiction: Snood
I still miss my kitties. And something weird is going on with my mom, because every time I talk to her, all she talks about is what they're doing right then. For a "I'm not a cat person" she sure seems to like them. I'm toying with the idea of leaving early Friday to go get them. She says they're asking to stay 2 or 3 more weeks. I hardly think so. :P
Pet peeve of the day: people who are ALWAYS right, even when they won't let you finish your sentence so they can understand you're talking about something completely different. Also, those same people who butt into a conversation that doesn't concern them, just so they can interject stupid comments.
Let's see...last night I got about halfway through the Christmas Quilt. It's coming together pretty nicely but now I'm thinking it's going to need a border. And I'm heading to the quilt shop today at lunch to see if I can find a match for the batik quilt. If not, I might try to convince my mom to go with me to Hancocks at Paducah this weekend. They've GOT to have something that will work.
How weird are you?
You Are 70% Weird |
![]() But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
I'm sure he thinks I'm at least 90%.
I survived another weekend. :)
Hit the fair Saturday. Highlights were: canoeing the pond by IDNR, the As Seen on TV building (although somewhat disappointing this VitaMix lady again!) and as per usual, gobs of free stuff. It was park association day, or something like that. Free frisbees for Alice!
My mom took the cats home with her yesterday. I didn't really miss them until this morning when I opened the bedroom door and they weren't there waiting to come in. Going to pick them up next weekend. I think the last time I was in Hburg was sometime around the beginning of July, maybe.
Otherwise, we mostly went shopping.
Oh, I didn't try the cheese curds. Wanted to, but just found out that the workers don't speak English. I wondered why nobody would help me. Anyway, the fried banana was pretty wonderful. :)
I got to work at 7:35 today. There must be something wrong with me. Not only that, but I woke up at 6 and cleaned the house for an hour. The only stuff left to do is dust in my mom's room and run the vacuum. And I still need to empty the dishwasher, I'm sure. The Russian is taking today off to work on the preschool's playhouse.
This means it's a miserable day at work. Not only is he off, but Cindy and Cliff are both gone, too. And I'm running low on projects. I have 9, but I'm waiting on someone else on all but one of them. I should have brought a movie to watch on the laptop or something.
Maybe I'll make up my food list for the state fair tomorrow, heh.
I know we're going to have a fried banana at the Filipino booth, and cheese curds. So far that's it. No Vose corndog this year, or Cullers fries. And def no ice cream. After I thought about it, I decided that was crazy, and a waste of perfectly good stomach space. And absolutely NO egg on a stick. I think that one's going to flop. Everybody I know has been to the fair, and nobody's had one yet.
My one big hope for tomorrow is that the Vitamix chick is back in the as-see-on-tv building. She wasn't there last year, and I really missed her. :(
Anyway, the food game is that I'm not eating anything that I've 1. ever had at the state fair before and 2. that I can obtain easily somewhere else. Cheese curds are on the fine line of number 2, but Cindy swears they're the best ever so I'll try them.
My mom says she'll ride the tilt-a-whirl. Ain't she excitin'!
My venus flytrap is doing ok. I still haven't fed him, I'm kind of afraid to. I think he freaked the bug sprayer out the other day when he was here. I asked him if he could bring me by some snacks, but it turns out that vft's probably don't care for chemically killed bugs. Who knew? (Of course, some of you may remember that I once killed a VFT by feeding it raw hamburger. I say that as though cooking it might have mattered.) I still live in fear that I'll come back to work some Monday and it'll be dead. I will be sad.
Still working out spam issues on the server, but it's a lot better. I'm still averaging a little over 50%, but 80% or so of it's getting blocked. If you sent me an email and I didn't respond, mail me and I'll look for it.
It's just NOW 9am. Ugh.
Or you're all freaks.
yep, betting on #2.
Totally weird and random things that people have done...have you? | |
First Name: | Tomi |
Age: | 32, holding on for a little bit longer |
Hometown: | SmallTown, Illinois |
Gender: | F |
Eaten a leaf(not salad, from a tree/bush): | Nope |
Kept a pet ant: | Ack, no! |
Eaten the gatorade powder from the bottom of the container: | Hahaha, no |
Have your shirt save your life: | Maybe from serious sunburn, but that's it |
Kept an email saying nothing but ok: | I always keep the last email from the Russian, so I have something to reply to |
Stuck floss up your nose: | uh, no. |
Do something you would only do to your friend thinking it's them: | What? |
Be halfway to one of your classes and forget where you're going: | I don't think I ever did that, no. |
Blurt out something about your crush in front of your parents: | can't remember |
Made out with a hotdog: | NO |
Think you're going through puberty like the opposite sex: | Can't say as I have done that, no. |
Laugh at completely stupid jokes that you don't understand: | YES! Finally! |
Said "gazuntite" because you don't kno what someone said: | no |
Stopped a very important conversation to watch an Aflac commercial: | not hardly |
Tried to scare someone but tripped on something and landed on your face: | hahaha, no |
Yell something embarassing and have everyone else back away slowly: | not that I know of |
Randomly say "so" to someone you haven't talked to in years: | yep |
Be nice to someone because they give you stickers: | what kind of stickers? |
Squirted a fire extinguisher in your face to "test it": | no way |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Happy Birthday! I hope it's everything you want it to be (besides the part about not getting older, sorry). I love you :)
that a ride in a topless Jeep on a sunny day can't cure. No matter what kind of mood I'm in, sun and wind will only improve it. :)
I have accomplished zippo this week so far. Tonight and tomorrow night I'll be at the old church helping to pack. Thursday is the Russian's birthday, so we'll likely go out with his parents. My mom comes into town on Friday, we hit the fair Saturday, and she leaves with the cats Sunday. They're getting their little claws out next Thursday. Hallelujah.
Happy Sunday! Went to the 8:00 service, home by 9:15, taking Alice of the Palace to the dog park here in a bit. Ralf is with the Russian at the new house, finishing up some wiring and plumbing.
I finished the block of the month blocks, now they have to be set. I'm not crazy about the setting results, but maybe when it's all together I'll like it better.
We ended up at Ned Kelly's last night, no movie. :( It was getting late, though, and I knew I wanted to get to the early service this morning. It's Walter Matthou day on TCM.
Gotta run to Hancocks to pick up some batik...something to go with purple and blue. I'm thinking green would be good, but am stumped on the other 2 colors.
Happy Sunday! Went to the 8:00 service, home by 9:15, taking Alice of the Palace to the dog park here in a bit. Ralf is with the Russian at the new house, finishing up some wiring and plumbing.
I finished the block of the month blocks, now they have to be set. I'm not crazy about the setting results, but maybe when it's all together I'll like it better.
We ended up at Ned Kelly's last night, no movie. :( It was getting late, though, and I knew I wanted to get to the early service this morning. It's Walter Matthou day on TCM.
Gotta run to Hancocks to pick up some batik...something to go with purple and blue. I'm thinking green would be good, but am stumped on the other 2 colors.
It appears that, with all of the excitement surrounding the state fair yesterday, I forgot to do an update. Here it is: I still haven't been to the fair :(
However, I did finally make it to the library downtown last night. The Russian was with me and didn't want to stay long, so I'll go back another day and find what I was looking for.
The weekend plan is changing by the hour. I'm supposed to head to the new church tomorrow morning to help put stuff together in the basement, and what happens after that is still up in the air.
I worked on the blocks of the month last night. The last 4 are cut and the half square triangles are done. (insert manifesto on "how much I hate Thangles" here) And they're pressed and trimmed. However, now it appears that I'm missing one of the previous blocks that I've already sewn. Not sure what's up with that. I'll have to look harder for it.
Must get to the fair this weekend.
I have the perfect gift idea for him. It's cheap, I can make it, and it will appeal to his natural hatred of other people. Hahaha!
Now I just have to hope he doesn't get into a fight the first time he leaves the house with it.
Is it just me, or is this day dragging? Even Limewire can't make it go any faster. :(
to mention that the Illinois State Fair starts in 2 days! Hoping to drag the Russian this weekend, but he seems reluctant. Could be that he has terrible memories from his childhood of having to go every year, could be that he just hates people.
Well anyway, I can talk about him, he's at the new house (wonder when I'll quit calling it that...maybe after someone gets moved in. We call it the CobraLightHouse, thanks to guessed it, cobra light that hangs on the front of it. Actually we call it "the CLH" more than anything. I think it's time to end the parentheses.) working on cutting a hole in the basement wall so the air conditioner can get hooked up.
Apparently we had a really nasty storm move through last night. I, of course, slept through it entirely. And slept through my alarm not going off this morning because the power was off!
I'm procrastinating. Need to start sewing, but not having much motivation. Somebody call me and kick my butt off of here.
Dammit, I can't even find a good survey to waste time. I'm off!
to mention that the Illinois State Fair starts in 2 days! Hoping to drag the Russian this weekend, but he seems reluctant. Could be that he has terrible memories from his childhood of having to go every year, could be that he just hates people.
Well anyway, I can talk about him, he's at the new house (wonder when I'll quit calling it that...maybe after someone gets moved in. We call it the CobraLightHouse, thanks to guessed it, cobra light that hangs on the front of it. Actually we call it "the CLH" more than anything. I think it's time to end the parentheses.) working on cutting a hole in the basement wall so the air conditioner can get hooked up.
Apparently we had a really nasty storm move through last night. I, of course, slept through it entirely. And slept through my alarm not going off this morning because the power was off!
I'm procrastinating. Need to start sewing, but not having much motivation. Somebody call me and kick my butt off of here.
Dammit, I can't even find a good survey to waste time. I'm off!
Amazingly, I accomplished absolutely nothing last night. Okay, maybe it's not so amazing. We did take back some ceiling fan fixtures to Menards (you know...the ones I special ordered, that didn't fit). They were plenty nice about it, and had some different ones in stock that will work, so we brought those home instead.
After that, Carl wandered around looking at windows for the playhouse, some little saw/laser gadget, and various other stuff.
Hopefully I'm meeting somebody from Freecycle tonight, to come get some junk and take it away. I'd like to see a movie, but the Russian has to go over to the new house and work. Thinking about going downtown to the library. Still working my way through the Women of the Prairie books, so I should just stay home and read. If it's not storming I'll take the bike for a spin around the lake.
138 shopping days left until Christmas. Shop early, shop often. :)
The Monday Survey. Long day.
Pompy Right She Did | |
Da Beginning | |
If you had to label yourself what would you label yourself as?: | Hrm. Am I old enough to be eccentric yet? |
Are you a lover or a fighter?: | you'd have to ask the Russian about that one |
How much are you on the computer?: | I'm a computer programmer...I think that says it |
Do grammatically correct people annoy you?: | Not nearly as much as the politically correct ones |
Are you or have you ever been obsessed with dinasours?: | haha, yeah |
What was your favorite thing to do as a child?: | Go. Anywhere. Actually, not much has changed. |
What is your favorite kind of fruit?: | fresh pineapple |
As a child did you eat your vegitables?: | some of them. |
Are you a health freak?: | not particularly |
Would you say you are a healthy person?: | eh, moreso now than I have been in the past. |
At night when you are all alone do you cuddle up with your teddy bears?: | not unless you count 250 pounds of dog. |
When you are upset does music cheer you up?: | usually |
What accent do you find sexiest?: | any foreign accent. Biggest turnoff=new yorker accent |
If you were to get a tatoo of either a moon or a sun which would you pick?: | probably a moon |
Are you bi, straight, or gay/lesbian?: | straight |
Do you enjoy math?: | yep |
How about science?: | yep |
Okay, what about english?: | yep |
Last but not least do you enjoy history?: | I'm getting there |
What is your favorite kind of bug?: | The dead kind. Unless you're talking about programming bugs, and then I'd have to say "the easy to fix kind". |
What kind of lemanade do you drink?: | what? the lemon kind. |
What frees you from life?: | death? |
Do you do drugs?: | define "do". Oh, and while you're at it, define "drugs", too. |
When you were a child what did you dream of becoming?: | an astronaut, natch |
Who is your hero?: | don't really have one |
Do you fall for the blond hair blue eyes kind of thing?: | not so much |
What about the dark beauty?: | eh, I guess |
Or the unique red heads?: | oh yeah :) |
Out of all of them which do you tend to fall for most?: | the smartest one |
This or That | |
crickets or lady bugs: | neither |
pink or green: | pink |
writing or painting: | painting |
surveys or quizzes: | both! :) |
green eyes or blue eyes: | green |
honey brown eyes or hazel eyes: | hazel |
soccor or football: | hockey |
gymnastics or ballet: | ballet |
yellow or orange: | ORANGE! |
black or pink: | black |
strawberrys or cherrys: | bing cherries |
penut butter or fudge: | pb |
snickers or milkey way: | milky way |
m&ms or skittles: | skittles |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
The cool ties are done. I shipped 192 to the Ships Project this morning, they should be well on their way to Iraq/Afghanistan by the end of this week. Another 17 went into 5 boxes to Nick's group on Saturday. I think I'm done for awhile.
Didn't make it to any movies over the weekend. I'm hoping to hit a couple this week, at least. Monster House, maybe Clerks II. Still on the list: Barnyard, Ricky Bobby, You, Me and Dupree, John Tucker Must Die, Devil Wears Prada and I STILL haven't seen the Breakup!
Otherwise I rented 5 movies this weekend, and watched them while I was sewing. I FINALLY sat all the way through Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Jack Frost, Irving Berlin's White Christmas and Christmas with the Kranks (seen a few times already but still funny). Jack Frost was okay, but a little depressing. I'm getting to where I kind of resent movies that talk about dead people "still being with us". That's a bunch of crap. My dad is gone, and no matter how many memories I still have of him, I still really miss him. Someone telling me that he's still with me, only in my heart, just makes it seem like a copout. He's NOT really with me, if he was, I wouldn't be going to the cemetery every time I'm at my mom's to replace/look at the flowers. Sorry, tangent there. LOL
Anyway, back to quilt-making mode. I got together with the girls Saturday and set a Linus quilt for them, it's pretty cute. Marge is going to put my name on it so I'll start getting the newsletters. I didn't even know there was one. I want to do another Yellow Brick Road quilt to get back in the game. Those are a lot of fun, and mind-numbingly easy.
Myspace is turning out to be one big ole' high school reunion. :) What fun! Hi, Brent!
1. My ex another state, I think.
2. I am listening to...Ethel on XM
3. Maybe I should...leave work early today, it's too nice out!
4. I little family.
5. My best friend(s)...are enablers. Yes, you are!
6. I don't understand...why my dogs like to eat cat poop. Well, it's true, and I'll NEVER understand that! It's disgusting! Electro-litter box, here I come!
7. I motorcycle key for 3 years. The Russian had to take the ignition out so I could have another key made for it. Then, of course, I found the key (albeit much, much later). :)
8. People say...the dumbest things sometimes.
10. Love is...something a lot of people take for granted.
11. Somewhere, someone is...sleeping.
12. I will always...have a dog.
13. Forever a way overused phrase.
14. I never want to...hurt someone unintentionally.
15. My mobile pretty cool, I love playing games on it.
16. When I wake up in the morning...there's usually a dog licking my pillow.
17. I get annoyed when...smokers flick their butts out the window, particularly when I'm riding my motorcycle.
18. Parties are...a lot more fun now that I'm older. :)
19. My pet(s) is...better entertainment than anything on tv.
20. Kisses are the best when...they're unexpected.
21. Today I...came to work, went to lunch with the Russian, and later I'll go to an auction.
22. Tomorrow I will...get together with the quilting bunch and work on some projects.
23. I really figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
I met the Russian for lunch at Cici's today. It was really dead in there for this to be the tourist season. Maybe somebody's been taking action on that bumper sticker I love so much ("If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"). Heehee
I read a really interesting article today, that talks about 10 things you should do before you die. One of them was: touch an untouchable...this one made me think. Who do I view as "untouchable"? People with AIDS? nah...I feel compassion for them, and want to help. Bikers? Not hardly...I'm not really one, but I can kind of identify with them. Manual Laborers? Nope, I appreciate what they do for us. Anyway, it went through a list, immigrants, people with tattoos and body piercings, teenagers, panhandlers, the elderly, unwed mothers, immigrants, physically handicapped, people with a different skin color, religion or gender. None of those people would be on my list of untouchables. I think I'm doing okay on this one, but could be better. So I'm making it my goal to touch one of these people in a way outside the ordinary (making stuff for them) during the month of August. The Russian's already done his, even if he doesn't know it. He picked up a guy the other night on his way back from the auction at Glenarm...his car had broken down and he needed a lift into town. Carl drove him to his motel, which, in times like these, is kind of scary. I'm really proud of him for doing it. But that's just the kind of man he is.
This day just started off wrong. I overslept, was a little late to work, then the first call of the day was a recurring one that is just stupid. And it's still not even lunchtime yet. At least it's cooler outside, 63 when I got up.
Last night we went over to the new house so Carl could work on the electrical. He changed the house breaker that the garage was wired to and rewired the garage's breaker box. I worked on cool ties for about an hour and a half after that. 97 cut, serged, turned and pressed. 17 are marked and have the first of 4 sets of stitches on them. If we end up not going to Doyle's tonight I'll probably try to finish them up. I'd like to get at least those mailed tomorrow along with the shampoo for Nick's group. I think I can fit everything into 4 boxes.
I dreamed last night about dominoes. They were everywhere, but I couldn't decide whether to play, or stack them up and push them over. Weird. I think the Russian and I are going to have to play some games this weekend.
Why do these seem less and less random?
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | imot |
What did you do last night?: | went over to the new house; worked on cool ties |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | avg update, woo...exciting |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | I'm sure I have. My dad was always trying to get me to do stuff like that. |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | May? |
What are you wearing?: | jean shorts and t-shirt |
How many cars have you owned?: | I don't like to think about this. The problem is how many cars I DO own. |
Type of music you dislike most?: | rap, country |
Are you registered to vote?: | yep |
Do you have cable?: | satellite |
What kind of computer do you use?: | HP laptop, dell at work, hybrid at home |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | of course |
You like anyone right now?: | yep :) |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | both |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | Perth |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Dilbert |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | only the first verse |
Shower, morning or night?: | both |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | Nacho Libre; laughed my arse off at that one |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | pepperoni and green olives |
Chips or popcorn?: | popcorn |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | verizon |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | nope |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | uh, no. |
Orange Juice or apple?: | either |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | Cindy |
favorite chocolate bar?: | hershey's plain |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | Becky; since I was 4 or so |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | yesterday |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | yeah |
Favorite arcade game?: | I'm a pinball addict |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | LOL, you could say that. |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | sprite |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | when I worked underground |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | had film developed |
Ever thrown up in public?: | yep |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | true love |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | not particularly |
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: | spongebob, I guess. neither one really. |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | yep |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | some chick saying: please leave a message after the tone, only she's a computer so it's all disjointed and stuff. |
Where would you like to go right now?: | hiking in colorado |
Whats the name of your pet?: | ralf, alice, kenny and vic |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | my hiking pack has: first aid kit, emergency radio, binoculars, leatherman, bandanas, sunscreen, chapstick, notebook, swag for caching, spare batteries for gps |
What do you think about most?: | not any one thing, although the Russian would tell you I think about sewing constantly. |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
I'm pretty sure I have other stuff to do...I can't stop!
Things You Probably Didn't Need To Know About Me | |
Favorites | |
Color?: | orange |
Candy?: | all of it. Seriously, just call me Fez. |
Store(s)?: | nordstroms (particularly the shoe dept) |
Book?: | Right now, Houseworks |
Movie?: | Christmas Vacation |
Website?: | this one :P |
Music genre?: | please don't make me pick one. impossible. |
Band?: | Right now, Blur |
Singer?: | Paul Simon |
How many ___s in your house? | |
Forks?: | probably close to 32, not including serving forks |
Windows?: | 30 |
Zippers?: | Do you people have any idea how many pairs of jeans the Russian has??? |
Eyes?: | 12, not including the salt tank |
TVs?: | 4 |
Phones?: | 9 inside |
Computers?: | 5, I think. Some of them don't get used very much. |
Water bottles?: | Too many |
Beds?: | 3 |
Speakers?: | 14 |
Lightswitches?: | 13? not including downstairs |
Last... | |
Thing you ate?: | apple, still. |
Thing you did?: | answered another survey and emailed the Russian |
Thing you said?: | That's exactly what I was thinking |
Person you talked to?: | Cindy |
Person you kissed?: | the Russian |
CD you listened to?: | Foo Fighters something or other |
Song you listened to?: | I'll Stick Around - FF |
Thing you cooked by yourself?: | Let's see...Sunday I made a roast with potatoes and carrots. I think that's it. |
Thing you wrote down?: | GL accounts and balances, working on a journal problem |
Person you fell in love with?: | the Russian. Over and over again. |
Intsrtument you played?: | the piano after it was tuned Tuesday. |
Person you IMed?: | Carla, I think |
Movie you watched?: | It's a Wonderful Life |
Time you cried?: | while I was watching that. |
Random Questions | |
How old are you?: | 32 |
Will this be on your MySpace?: | nope |
Do you tYpE leIk thIs?: | nope, I'm a stickler for spelling and typing |
If yes, do you do it all the time?: | n/a |
Have you any idea what RP is?: | Republican Party? :) Role Playing, retinitis Pigmentosa, rapid prototyping? Really, these TLA's are getting ridiculous. |
Do you read?: | yep |
How many letters are in your middle name?: | 5 |
Do you play the ad games? Like, Outwash The Blonde, or Out Dance That Girl: | nope |
Do you realize I ran out of characters out that last one?: | nope |
How many of these quizzes have you taken?: | too many |
How many are on your MySpace/Xanga/whatever?: | 1, I think |
Do you like to doodle?: | if I'm in a boring meeting |
How many children do you want?: | dunno if I want any |
Are you in love?: | yep |
With whom, may I ask?: | the mad Russian, my favorite person |
Do you play the piano?: | yep |
Last one: Was this quiz weird?: | not any weirder than the others |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Or something. For surveys.
Trying to decide on lunch. Bella's or home? I'm leaning towards home.
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! | |
What is your favorite.. | |
gum: | Extra or Trident Whitening |
restaurant: | either Mariah's or Gallagher's |
drink: | Cosmopolitan |
season: | fall |
type of weather: | cool and rainy |
emotion: | happy |
thing to do on a half day: | go for a drive with the Russian in the little Jeep, top down |
late-night activity: | *censored* |
sport: | rugby or hockey |
city: | Houston |
store: | Nordstrom's |
When was the last time you.. | |
cried: | 2 nights ago while watching It's a Wonderful Life |
played a sport: | does playing with the dogs count? |
laughed: | <5 minutes ago |
hugged someone: | this morning |
kissed someone: | ditto |
felt depressed: | Sunday, when my mom left to go home |
felt elated: | Sunday, when we dropped off the stuff for Feitshans |
felt overworked: | all the time |
faked sick: | it's been awhile...probably close to a year. |
lied: | I told a customer we fixed something today, when I pretty well know the fix didn't work. Does that count? |
What was the last.. | |
word you said: | Bye |
thing you ate: | apple |
song you listened to: | Paul Simon - Hurricane Eye |
thing you drank: | diet A&W |
place you went to: | work this morning. Woot |
movie you saw: | It's a Wonderful Life, I think |
movie you rented: | Can't remember |
concert you attended: | Henry Rollins |
Who was the last person you.. | |
hugged: | the Russian |
cried over: | ditto |
kissed: | ditto |
danced with: | ditto |
shared a secret with: | ditto |
had a sleepover with: | my Mom |
called: | the Russian |
went to a movie with: | ditto |
saw: | Matt on his way down the hall |
were angry with: | can't remember |
couldn't take your eyes off of: | the Russian |
obsessed over: | John Simm |
Have you ever.. | |
danced in the rain: | yep |
kissed someone: | yep |
done drugs: | can't remember |
drank alcohol: | yep |
slept around: | ahhh...what? |
partied 'til the sun came up: | yep |
had a movie marathon: | yep |
gone too far on a dare: | heh, yeah |
spun until you were immensely dizzy: | yep |
taken a survey quite like this before: | yep |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
84 or 87 today, a lot better than 98 or whatever it was yesterday. Last night the Russian ran over to the new house to check on some plumbing he did the night before, and called to say it was lightning like mad to the west. I don't think it ever even rained at our house. :( We need it.
Cool tie update: 97 cut out, serged and turned. Almost half are pressed. I want to get the rest of them pressed, then pull 17 out to finish up for Nick's group. I'd like to have those as close to finished tonight as I can get them. We'll see. If I get all of these done by Sunday that'll bring my total to 208 for this month. Woot.
Friday eve. Yay
So today's supposed to be what, 98? Apparently we haven't hit above 100 since 1995. Storms tonight and 84 tomorrow. That I can take.
I have 97 cool ties cut out, and a little over half that serged. I'll try to get the Russian to turn them tonight and then I can start pressing. 2 boxes to mail today at lunch, and then I'm down to hair products.
Need a nap.
My last knitting class was last night. We learned knitting in the round, double pointed needles, cabling and how to do short rows. I know I know, you all don't care. Believe it or not, I might need to remember later on that I do know how to do that stuff, so I can search for it and at least know that, at one point in my life, I thought I could knit. :P
I have box #2 ready to go to Afghanistan, but I just remembered the piano tuner is coming today and I have to meet him, so I won't get a lunch hour. Oh well, 2 boxes tomorrow! I still need to find ESPN magazine, and I'd like to get ahold of a Time magazine or something. Too bad Fox News doesn't have a magazine, I'd send one. Okay, honestly, I'd have a subscription.
Anyway, after I got home last night I started in on some more cool ties. 48 cut out, 48 to go. I need 17 to ship to Nick, which I should be able to finish up this week, and the rest are going to the Ships Project, by next Monday. I'm meeting with the girls this Saturday to quilt for the Linus Project and Juarez, but hopefully I can get the cool ties done around that. Oh yeah, and sometime it would be nice to finish my summer wardrobe. Ha! Maybe by November.
I'm all caught up on email, so check your in-boxes, people :)