August 04, 2006

Something to do

I met the Russian for lunch at Cici's today. It was really dead in there for this to be the tourist season. Maybe somebody's been taking action on that bumper sticker I love so much ("If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"). Heehee

I read a really interesting article today, that talks about 10 things you should do before you die. One of them was: touch an untouchable...this one made me think. Who do I view as "untouchable"? People with AIDS? nah...I feel compassion for them, and want to help. Bikers? Not hardly...I'm not really one, but I can kind of identify with them. Manual Laborers? Nope, I appreciate what they do for us. Anyway, it went through a list, immigrants, people with tattoos and body piercings, teenagers, panhandlers, the elderly, unwed mothers, immigrants, physically handicapped, people with a different skin color, religion or gender. None of those people would be on my list of untouchables. I think I'm doing okay on this one, but could be better. So I'm making it my goal to touch one of these people in a way outside the ordinary (making stuff for them) during the month of August. The Russian's already done his, even if he doesn't know it. He picked up a guy the other night on his way back from the auction at Glenarm...his car had broken down and he needed a lift into town. Carl drove him to his motel, which, in times like these, is kind of scary. I'm really proud of him for doing it. But that's just the kind of man he is.

Posted by tomiandc at August 4, 2006 02:38 PM