August 03, 2006

The Storm That Wasn't

84 or 87 today, a lot better than 98 or whatever it was yesterday. Last night the Russian ran over to the new house to check on some plumbing he did the night before, and called to say it was lightning like mad to the west. I don't think it ever even rained at our house. :( We need it.

Cool tie update: 97 cut out, serged and turned. Almost half are pressed. I want to get the rest of them pressed, then pull 17 out to finish up for Nick's group. I'd like to have those as close to finished tonight as I can get them. We'll see. If I get all of these done by Sunday that'll bring my total to 208 for this month. Woot.

Friday eve. Yay

Posted by tomiandc at August 3, 2006 10:05 AM