Saturday morning at around 11am, the Russian met his new best friend, Roscoe (however, this name is still up in the air, we are very open to suggestions!). Roscoe is a 6-7 month old rottweiler, who was dumped in the Sangamon County Animal Control building area sometime around June 9th. He doesn't seem much worse for the wear, however, and he and Alice got along well at their speed dating match. She's looking forward to tearing about town with a younger man. We're still missing Ralf, but the Russian thought that we should save another puppy from the pound, and we're hoping that he fits right in.
Oh, and I got a Wii Fit yesterday! Our local Target got 4 in stock, so we showed up around 15 minutes before they opened (very lucky, I heard that some stores had 40 people in line by then), were first in line, snagged 2. Carl is going to sell his on eBay to see how much it will go for. I have mixed emotions about this, I hate it when people hoard stuff just to sell it, and we did take effectively 50% of their stock. Maybe we'll just donate the money somewhere.
Anyway, we both played with it yesterday. Let it be known that I have terrible balance, this thing confirmed it. It's amazing I can walk upright, apparently. So far it's a lot of fun, tho :)
Picking up a new laptop today!
Posted by tomiandc at June 30, 2008 11:18 AM