It's Saturday...I was up late, driving to my mom's, and then blah blah blahing until later. Ugh.
Going shopping today, then to see lights in W Frankfort later.
Recent developments: I started doing some genealogy on the Russian's family (the US wing of it) to see if I could find out something for his dad. For Christmas, he decided he'd like to know the name of his GGgrandfather. I don't know who it is yet, but I did find a marriage license in Ohio that's him, so hopefully it will have his parents' name on it. If not, at least it's a piece of paper he didn't have before.
Anyway, while I was looking up stuff on him, I decided I'd try to see if I could find out anything else about where my grandfather (paternal) came from. He was raised in an orphanage with 7 brothers and sisters, then when his mother died he went to live with various relatives. Anyway, every year I pull out the info I have and try to see if I can find anything out about him, and this year I scored. I not only know who his grandfather is, I found the grandfather on a family tree along with, are you ready? Abraham Lincoln. THE Abraham Lincoln, the one born February 12, died April 15, married Mary Todd (please oh please oh please don't make me related to him from her side of the family), the whole bit.
It also turns out that I may have an axe-murderer (well, hatchet murderer) in my ancestry, and Pres Buchanan. I'm trying to disprove the Buchanan thing, he was a terrible president, and a democrat at that.
I'm trying something new this year for y'all. January 1 I'm going to wipe my music slate all get to fill up my player. The rules (because I'm not crazy): no country. no rap. no Nelly. Ok, well, maybe Nelly but it better be good. Whole albums or singles are fine. Space is not an issue. Tell me your favorites, this is your chance to influence me! (well, until you start making infomercials.)
Work is busy, last day this year is the 21st. The week after I'm gonna run up to Macomb and pick up some wool. Christmas shopping is all done if the Russian would make up his mind about the tool he wants.
Last movie we saw was The Nativity. Really good if you can get past the discrepancies (I could, but my mom had trouble with it when she saw it). Impatiently waiting for the release of Night at the Museum. Probably going to see the first showing on the 22nd. I really want to see the TSO again in St Louis on the 27th, but I'll probably skip it.
Hard to believe I'm getting ready to start my 3rd year of XM radio. Best Christmas gift ever, seriously. This year I'm getting a Dyson Animal, stay tuned for a review on that. I really hope all those people posting positives are really happy with theirs. Carl already gave me my gift earlier (quilt frame & machine) so he's off the hook. Went shopping with Mama K this week and got the usual: clothes, piece of Christmas china.
Hair is getting a different color this morning. Red with white stripes. A little later than I wanted, but should still be festive enough. :) After the new year I'll probably go back to the brindled look.
Listening to: Keane - Atlantic - Under the Iron Sea <---this is pretty good. Somebody should suggest it, ha!
Gotta get moving. Email me!
Posted by tomiandc at December 16, 2006 06:55 AM