December 01, 2006


4-10", 2 per hour. Wind at 35mph, an inch of ice.

Good times :)

Trees and power lines are down all over the place. It sleeted all day and night, and then changed to snow around 3am. Wheeeee!

I don't think there's a school within 60 miles that's open today. Oh wait, Hope School is, but I'm pretty sure all of their students actually live there.

I haven't decided whether to try and trek in to work this morning or not. I have Monday off anyway, so I probably should go. Weathergirl says to stay home, tho.

I'll be in STL Sunday and Monday, shopping both days. I don't think I need anything from Jackmans, but that never stopped me from just checking in. :)

We'll probably hit West County, maybe Chesterfield, Penzeys, possibly the Galleria.

Ok, off to decide whether or not I'm going out in this mess. 0 visibility.
Fun fun fun :)

update: 8:10am. Can't get into any cars in the driveway and the stupid Honda is parked in the way of the little Jeep, so I can't even get it out. Stupid, stupid, stuid. The Russian is watching Looney Tunes, which is what I'll be if I have to stay home all day!

Posted by tomiandc at December 1, 2006 06:38 AM