Just a quickie. Carl's mom and dad were in a car accident this morning, so no party tonight. Sorry :(
Everything is fine, but there was an extended stay in the emergency room (isn't that always the case?).
It was great to see a few people at Jackmans today! Wow, what a crowd! For those of you that missed it, the parking lot was FULL 15 minutes after they opened! I got caught up on my Sulky thread and managed to hold myself down to 24 fat quarters (LOL, and that was a real challenge!) and 2 rolls of interfacing.
I'm looking forward to getting together with you guys again soon, and this time I'll be able to stick around for lunch!
As for now, I'm watching National Lampoons Vacation, and downloading a Christmas design for an apron. Well, looking for one, anyway.
Posted by tomiandc at July 3, 2006 09:11 PM