July 02, 2006

And now for the Weekend Update

Quick update before I go back to embroidering. I want to finish up an apron tonight and get started on a potholder to go with it. I need to drop them in the mail Wednesday.

I'm heading to Fairview Heights tomorrow morning, will probably get there around 9. If anybody wants to meet for coffee or lunch, call my cell and I'll make myself available. :) I'm planning on going to Jackmans, Home Depot and Garden Ridge, and I'll probably stop at either/both Cross Patches and Knit Works. I need more yarn! Ha! Like I need more fabric...

I think we're leaving for Rod's around 4 or 4:30 if Carl isn't at the new house.

Yesterday started out pretty well, and quickly went downhill. I did make it to the farmers market when they opened. Came home with some pastries and produce. A lot of it was priced way high...$2 for a "head" of romaine the size of my fist. wow. Anyway, I found what I was looking for, and when I got home Carl was letting the dogs out. We had fresh scones and fruit foccaccia at the dining room table for a change. After that I took the recycling stuff while he drove the bike up to Overturf Powersports to get the tires changed. Rant ahead.

Carl made this appointment around the end of May or first of June. They told us that they could have the tires within a week, but that their first service date available was yesterday. I was disappointed but didn't feel we had much of an option because the other shop was almost $30 higher for the tires alone. Fast forward to yesterday, when Carl arrives they don't have the tires. Backordered. But they couldn't at least call and tell me that, because it's not their policy to ask for the customer's phone number when they make the service appointment. In a few words, I suggested that they change their policy. In one ear, out the other. Still, I had no tires. Went outside and called the other dealer, RTD. They can get the tires by Thursday, get them put on Saturday. Off we go!

We had to go to RTD so that I could pay for the tires, they have them in their Wisconsin warehouse, so getting them should not be a problem. He offered to order them direct through Honda, something Overprice can't do. (Oh yeah, when I called RTD, I told the guy I was at Overprice, not Overturf. Damn the Russian, he ALWAYS calls it overprice, and I'm so used to that it slipped. I swear it wasn't intentional!) Anyway, I opted for better tires than stock, which of course=more money, but at this point I don't care. I have a feeling Overturf would have kept me on hold for the entire season. Moral: DON'T go to Overturf.
I know I won't ever be back.

Saw a cute t-shirt...Harley emblem, and underneath it says: If they made airplanes, would you fly in one? Hahahahaha! I think the Russian is getting one for his birthday. We did make a short trip through the Harley dealer, I'd never been in there. They have more crap than bikes (well, crappy bikes, too :P), but it seems like a nice shop. They did not, however, have the aforementioned t-shirts. Heehee! Hi Danny! You weren't there!

Yesterday afternoon we washed the little Jeep, and then took it to the drive-in. We saw Nacho Libre and X Men 3. NL was just a weird little movie, but fun. :) Mostly laughed at X Men, we hadn't seen the first 2, and neither one of us are much on sci-fi. I think we probably irritated some people around us. Got home around 1:30. Somehow I have managed to bruise the top of my right hand. :(

The Russian just left for the new house, working more on the ductwork. I think I'll be almost as glad as he is when that's done.

Gotta jet, the machine's done! :)

Posted by tomiandc at July 2, 2006 07:50 PM