May 19, 2006


TGIF. I'm so tired today. I got here late, I overslept, but I did get a bunch of laundry put away this morning.

Stayed up late last night waiting for laundry to be done, and playing with Ralf and Alice (put the kitties to bed early). We took Kenny and Vic to Petsmart to get Vic a collar that fits better. They don't seem to mind riding in the car, so I'm going to encourage them to like it as much as I can.

I can't keep my eyes open yet today. I hate to drink caffeine, but I think I'm about to. It'll probably send me straight to outer orbit. heehee!

I worked some in the sewing room last night, mostly putting it back together and figuring out what all I need to be working on. I'm hoping to spend some quality time in there next week so I can catch up on my blocks of the month.

Starving. Must. Go. Find. Breakfast.

Posted by tomiandc at May 19, 2006 09:24 AM