May 18, 2006

Liberty Bell

That's the song that's stuck in my head. Blech.

So the kitties are getting along just fine. Vic (aka Mr. Responsible) is starting to come around a little more, while Kenny (aka Wild Child) is hilarious to watch. Neither one of them are going to be suspected of having any kind of cat genius, but they're still fun to play with. I'm trying to enjoy them while they're little, although I will be glad when they're grown up more and can be loose in the house all the time. Right now they sleep and play in Alice's old crate during the day while we're at work, and at night. They can fit between the bars if they want to (I've seen them do it while chasing each other). Before long they'll be too big for that.

I did catch Vic chasing his tail last night. ha! They haven't figured out they're cats yet, and that sort of activity is really beneath them!

Carl made it back from Chicago yesterday. We hit the auction last night, and I finally got my little (really tiny) radio flyer wagon. I'm going to put it on the foyer table with a pot of ivy in it as the summer decoration. Alternatively I could use it to pull the kitties around.

Our network class didn't meet last night. Here are the last 2 questions on the passion indicator handout:

6. Your passion will energize you. Not only will you become more alive emotionally, but the activity or thoughts about your passion will actually give you energy. This is God's way of moving you toward these people, roles, or causes that are His created agenda for your life. His will for you is partly revealed in your God-given passion. What energizes you?

One word: sewing. I'm starting to see a trend here!

7. Whatever your passion is, it needs to be submitted to a 2-fold test: Does it glorify God? Does it edify others? If your passion and its expression do not meet this test, you have not identified your God-given passion. You may have expressed a desire of the heart, but it is not from God. He cannot violate His own integrity and purposes. That is why we are shown the condition on which God will give us the desires of our heart in Psalm 37:3-4.
Jesus communicated the same principle in John 15:7. Many people are asking God for things, but they are not abiding in Jesus. When we abide, we can confidently ask, knowing that he will be pleased to respond to our requests because they will reflect His purposes. His heart desire for us becomes our hearts desire. Does your passion glorify God and edify others? When you are abiding and delighting yourself in Him, what desires do you have?

I really struggle with this one. I believe that my quilts can help others, giving them something warm, something that could be used as shelter, or to welcome a new baby. They can bring comfort to a sick child or provide a sleeping surface for a family in Mexico that previously slept on their clothes piled up in a corner. I have yet to keep a quilt that I've made, and I think that I can honestly say that quilting (for me) could be shown to be edifying to others.

Glorifying God is a different matter, however. Normally when I'm working on a project I'll pray for the person who's going to receive it. I don't think that this by itself qualifies as glorifying God or not. I think I'm going to ask about this during our next meeting.

Some people would say that quilting isn't a real passion, it's more of an obsession (especially if you know me!)...and I think I have had a tendency to agree with that, before I thought about it. I love making beautiful things for people who wouldn't otherwise have the means to own them, and I love doing it through my church, so that the Message can get passed onto them. I truly do hope they realize that this simple object was made by someone who really does care that they have a warm place to sleep at night.

Posted by tomiandc at May 18, 2006 09:29 AM