March 24, 2006

going home

Well, I know you'll all find this difficult to believe, but I did spend most of the day working. And I caught up on all of your emails. I think I managed to answer everyone, for the most part. If you had something urgent and I missed you somehow feel free to mail again.

Leaving for Doyle's here in a few. Not sure where we're going for supper tonight. I have a sneaky new way (to me) for getting up to the auction, this will be the 2nd time to try it. No more turning left onto Wabash at rush hour with no light. Yay!

Need to call Mama Tanya tonight to find out where we're going tomorrow. I called her to invite her out tomorrow, and she was in Bloomington! I don't know what for yet, hopefully something good! I'm really looking forward to our day out tomorrow.

Have a good weekend all! :)

Listening to: Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight
Freecell game: 5351

Posted by tomiandc at March 24, 2006 04:55 PM