That's what I had when I got to work today. My delete finger is tired.
Carl and I had an interesting conversation this morning. Charles Gibson was just getting dumber by the minute with his interviews, so we started talking about how stupid Americans are in general, and whether there's a country in the world that is smarter (of course there is, that didn't take long). Somehow the conversation turned, and we ended up deciding that what we really should do is get rid of a lot of the laws we have here.
Carl's idea was to give each congressman/woman a set of all of the laws that have been written in the last 200 years, and tell them that they're going to spend the next year tearing pages out of that book.
My idea was to again, give each congressperson a set of all of the laws, and then tell them that they can each choose 3 laws to keep, the rest are going away. They would need to choose wisely and collaborate a little bit, because if any laws contradict each other (no...surely that couldn't happen? ha!) they both get thrown out, and there would be no replacement laws.
It was an interesting conversation, anyway :)
Speaking of politics, I'm getting a little tired of Jim Oberweis and his campaign. At first I thought he was pretty harmless to Judy Baar Topinka (Thinka Topinka!), but now he's just getting annoying. I know it's open season on politicians, and it won't be over for a loooooong time. At least the primary is coming up (March 21), and with any luck he'll be going away soon.
Listening to: The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
Freecell game: 5040, still!