March 02, 2006

Stoopid Dog

Alice ate my glasses. Again. 3rd pair. Haven't decided what I'm going to do, whether to get new ones (same frames), new ones (different frames) or wear contacts. So far I'm wearing the contacts, it's not too bad.

Last night I dreamed that my grandpa died. The same one whose house my mom closed the sale on yesterday (ack, grammar police, please don't beat me!). The weird thing is that in my dream my grandmother was still alive, and I was the only one concerned about where she was going to live, as we were selling her house! It was finally determined that she would move into the apartment building where gpa last lived before he went back to the nursing home.

I finished the chicken quilt! Will be loading photos soon, and I guess I need to call the quilter to get on her schedule.

Listening to: Haydn - String Quartet 3 in G Minor
Reading: Some architecture book we have at home
Freecell game: 4904, woohoo! Next goal is 5000 by Tuesday.

Posted by tomiandc at March 2, 2006 10:56 AM