September 02, 2005

Holiday Grand Plan

Yes, it's true. I'm planning for Christmas.
I'm doing the HGP through This week was front porch week, so we:
cleared off the porch
swept it down
swept the walls and ceiling
sprayed for bugs
swept some more
changed the flag to the fall one
pulled the ivy out of the flower bed directly in front of our living room window
and painted the front door.

Next week is living room week.

I rode my bike to work today for the first time in a few years. It wasn't too bad, I snuck through town to avoid the heavy highway traffic. My commute is only 6 miles, but my Honda only gets 22mpg, and the bike (also a Honda, btw) gets almost 60. I need to get a helmet. It was 55 degrees out, and even with a jacket and gloves I was pretty chilly. However, it's supposed to get up to 85 or something today so it'll be nice later. I haven't figured out how I'm going to get home yet. People drive like maniacs here.

Really tired...I was up late last night working on my Quilt for the Cure project. I really hate this pattern. But I'm liking the finished product a little better each time I work on it. The block I'm working on now has 72 pieces.

I need a nap. And some breakfast.

Posted by tomiandc at September 2, 2005 07:47 AM