I got my dongle today! It's for the D-1 machine. I'm going to try it out tonight after work, hopefully. I can't wait to get started!
In other news, gas is up to 2.80 here, with lots of rumors saying it'll be over $3 by the weekend, and $4 "soon". Bah, I'll believe the $4 thing when I see it. In the meantime I'm not driving home for lunch everyday, and that seems to be saving me quite a bit. Instead, I go sit in the lobby and work on quilts or knitting.
I keep reading more and more stuff about Katrina, and I can't believe the devastation to New Orleans. I know the other southern states got hit pretty hard, but I've spent more time in NO, so it's closer to home for me. I used to fly in and out of there on a regular basis...it's a neat little town. Not that I'd want to live there, tho. Just visit. Regularly. Anyway, thoughts and prayers to people that have lost everything, including family members.
The Holiday Grand Plan (www.organizedchristmas.com) got started on Sunday. I have a list a mile long of things to be done this week, but I think it's going to make a big difference in the front of our house. I want to paint our front door, and repaint the threshold. I need to pull some ivy out of the front flower beds, too. Right now it's looking like rain, but I hope it doesn't. I have clothes on the line!
Speaking of clotheslines, does anybody else still use them besides my mother and I? I love the smell of laundry straight off the line, and Carl's mom recently told me that even in winter she'll hang things out for a little while. They freeze, but then she tosses them in the dryer to finish drying, and they still smell like "outside" a little. I'm going to try that this winter, I think.
In the meantime I want to get some mums for the front garden, and maybe some asters. I'll probably pick up some bulbs to plant, and that will be the extent of my fall gardening. Need to change the flag out front, too.
Last night we drove down to Chatham to visit Capitol Coral. I'm in the market for a peppermint shrimp and I need some Flatworm Exit. They didn't have either one, apparently the hurricane is stopping stock from getting here from Florida. Guess I'll try again this weekend, but in the meantime I'm ordering the FWE and hoping it works good. I'm starting to think about upgrading my tank, too. Oh come on! You knew it was going to happen sooner or later, right?
Posted by tomiandc at August 30, 2005 03:55 PM