I can't help it.
Y'know how sometimes you can hear a song and it slams you into a memory? I've been listening to last year's lineup and that's been happening a lot.
I remember standing pretty close to the stage, listening to Daft Punk, we were already deaf from listening to pants-vibrating-loud-music all day, and finally on the way back to our hotel room, the Russian got spanked by some teenager on the field. It took us what seemed like a half hour just to get THROUGH the crowd back to the field, and the first thing he said when we could hear each other talk again was "some girl spanked me!"
Anyway, this all makes me wonder what kind of fun we'll have this year. The tickets should be showing up in the mail any day now, we've got the schedule, the earplugs, the sunscreen and the hotel and train tickets. How will I make it to August? Every time I look at the schedule I get more excited!
I should just stick my head in the sand until then.
Posted by tomiandc at June 20, 2008 03:47 PM