So, I have this HP graphing calculator that I bought in high school. Yep, in the fall of 1989. I use it pretty much every day, and it's served me well. This morning when I went to look up an equation it started moving very slow and gave a bunch of memory errors. I panicked for all of 30 seconds and then realized how old the poor thing is, and decided that if it was time for it to go this might be a good time to think about upgrading. As a last ditch effort I googled HP 48GX slow and lo and behold, HP was thinking of me when they created their knowledge base. One 'mem' command later, I had my baby back to normal and was feeling a little embarrassed about my willingness to move on so quickly. I'm not going to examine my deeper emotions towards my calculator or anything, but I might celebrate with a little Poisson graph. And never fear, 50g, someday you shall be mine.
Still finding snakes in the yard. I've had 2.5 get away, which probably means 3 got away, right? I'm pretty sure you have to take off more than half of their body in order to kill them. The other two times they escaped I didn't have my shovel handy. This will no longer be the case because I have shovels everywhere outside now, just waiting. Did I mention how much I hate snakes?
Still working on the state quilt. I started on the Idaho block last night. I'm disappointed that it's taking me two nights to do each block outside of New Jersey, which took 5 (and I will never make that block again). However, I did watch 2 episodes of The Office and that probably slowed me down some.
My other special project is coming along. Last night I soaked plain blocks in Bubble Jet Set and let them dry. Tonight, I print! If you have any tricks for making this work better, please let me know.
Posted by tomiandc at June 11, 2008 10:24 AM