December 22, 2007


You'd probably think that I would be doing something more monumental at 10am on my first day of vacation, than downloading PDA apps and games. The Russian is still sleeping, the dogs are quiet, and I can't think of a single thing to do. Go figure.

Our snow is finally melted, I think we should be getting a little more tonight. I'd like to take this opportunity to clean up the yard a little bit more, but it's too wet. We had 2 giant oaks taken out during the first week of December, to make room for a concreted driveway to the Garage Mahal, finally. Hoping the workers can come first thing in the spring and get that poured. I'm lobbying for a heated driveway, but am not considering it a total victory just yet. I say...if you live here and deal with ice and snow, your driveway should be heated. I hear back...if you pay 30% more just to melt snow, you can have a snowblower for a lot less. Missing the point entirely, as I do not want to wait for a snowblower. I want to push a button and have a clear driveway. This can be done geothermally for a fraction of the cost, I'm sure. (hey...11/10 is still a fraction!)

Sucky week at work. I think I spent most of it tracking down projects instead of doing them, and the rest of the time figuring out what I did.

Christmas shopping is done. I just need to sweet talk Carlio into wrapping the last of his parents' gifts, and make a pie for his Dad, who cannot resist my pecan wares. :) We have cookies coming out the ears, and the fridge is almost completely empty, waiting for the grocery trek this afternoon.

So, here's my plan for my vacation: Day 1 (today) finish cleaning the house and fill up fridge. Day 2 church, rest of the day to be spent in sewing room. Day 3 DM comes in, we'll probably spend most of that day cooking. Day 4 Christmas with the fam. Day 5 Christmas with more fam. Day 6 darkroom day, get organized, process at least 2 rolls of film. This day will probably require a trip to the Photo Resource Center for supplies. I don't think Uncle Jimmy has had much luck at shows lately towards chemicals. Day 6 more sewing. I need to finish up a project for the Russian's mom. Day 7-11, no plans here yet. At some point I need to visit the local quilt shop and scour for new novelty prints. Maybe one other day in the darkroom. I'll have to re-light proof everything again, anyway. But I have new shelves! I finally got back a set that I made in Jr High shop, from the Russian. He was using them to store spray paint. I'm sure they could use a sprucing up, but I'm excited to have them back. :)

I really must get moving.

Posted by tomiandc at December 22, 2007 10:02 AM