I can't remember if the Shop Hop had started, but tomorrow starts the 2nd weekend of the fabricpalooza. Last week I bought a few packs of charm squares (the 5" version...and got some patterns to go with them) and finally broke down and got the materials I will need for the monkey quilt. Yes, I'm making a quilt of monkeys. No, it's not for the Russian. I'm going to keep it in the spare-room-soon-to-be-foster-kid's-room. Once it's done. As it is, I can't start on it until I get DMIL's placemats done.
I HAVE accomplished a few things. #1 (I think I already reported on this, but I'm still claiming it) I finished Alice's dog crate cover! It turned out very nicely and she hasn't chewed it to bits just yet. #2 I Finally used the piece of silk that my dress dummy has been sporting for the last year. I bought it probably 2 years ago, it's handpainted and cost a small fortune, and I was afraid to cut it. I completely agonized over this stupid piece of fabric, so I finally decided NOT to cut it, and made it into a wrap. I'll be wearing it this weekend to the Governor's Mansion (no, he won't be there, and it's probably a good thing) along with a brand new suit that I needed to go with it. Yes, you read that correctly...I bought a suit to go with a scarf. #3 I ALSO Finally used up a piece of houndstooth that I bought, hmm, maybe 18 months ago, AND I used it for its intended purpose! I finished up a dress with it last night, which I am wearing today. I convinced myself to get it done with the reason that I had nothing else at all to wear today. It worked. :)
This Saturday is our last Foster Care class. Woohoo! It's only a half day, we'll go out to lunch to celebrate, then I have a haircut that will be over in just enough time to get home to dress for the aforementioned dinner at the guv's house.
Other Works-In-Process: got over another cold last week...a weird one, no sore throat, just sinus, we each had it. Starting a super secret quilt later this year, it will be extra fabulous! Also, I had planned on turning some fat quarters into a wrap until I decided to use the silk, so now I have 20 extra fats to use on a quilt of some kind. I'm thinking I need a Turning 20 Again, or something.
Off to lunch!
Posted by tomiandc at October 18, 2007 12:16 PM