August 30, 2007


The Russian's at an auction tonight. I contemplated going for a haircut but I guess I'll do that next week. Right now I'm on Jeep duty in case he buys something too big to fit in the Toyota. May be going to Lincoln later.

So in the meantime the doggies and I are hangin out, it's nice enough out that we could go to the dog park but for some reason there seem to be a lot of mosquitoes today. Weird. Maybe we'll all take a trip through the BK drive-thru and get some cheeseburgers :)

The Fleece Project v. 2 kicks off Saturday. I'm a little nervous about how it's all going to go, I *think* I'm more organized this year but anytime you get that many sewers together it's kind of like herding cats. Need to go through the list of what to take again. Cutting boards, extra rotary blades, need to decide which machines I'm taking.

Also need to go purse-shopping. :)

Posted by tomiandc at August 30, 2007 06:39 PM