June 08, 2007

Interesting Links

Just because it's Friday, here are a couple links I've hit today.

My new keyboard is clear and lights up *claps*

Had to get a new soundcard last night, too. Color me broke. However, my pc rocks! And the sub works great, it vibrates my feet, which is really what it's all about...

Anyway, on with the show!

You know those motivational posters some offices hang up in the hopes of creating a sanctuary of positive vibes and productivity? Well, somebody else came up with the real story. Our last network guy had a bunch of these. My favorites are: Apathy, Cluelessness and Motivation. All Designs

These are fun, simple games. Orisinal : Morning Sunshine

Looking for a gift? Buy something good: World of Good - Fair Trade Gifts, Green Gifts and Eco-friendly Gifts Store

Happy weekend

Posted by tomiandc at June 8, 2007 03:58 PM