May 31, 2007

Friday Eve

The meeting went pretty well last night, I'm still mulling over the idea of taking on the job (Helping Hands coordinator for those of you still catching up). It's a lot of work, and more responsibility, but I think I can do it well. I want to give my answer Sunday. Right now I'm leaning towards doing it. For awhile this morning I was thinking I could just give them my database and that would put them ahead of where they are now. Anybody could run that. However, I have some other input on things that could make this ministry run smoother, and I'd like to be given a chance to try them out. I'm not a leader by any stretch of the imagination, but I am an excellent delegator (just ask the Russian ;) ).

So I'm almost through serging the last coolties out of the 39 yards of fabric I bought. I'm planning on these being the last coolties I make this year, but why am I feeling guilty about this? I've made almost 1000 of them so far, that's pretty good I think, but I know the need is so great it's just a drop in the bucket. I'd like to take a break and do some quilting and finish up my summer wardrobe, but I think once again that's going to get put on hold while I finish these up. Then I need to get started on fleece hats and scarves, so I'm not scrambling at Christmas to get as many done as possible. Ugh.

In other news, I learned something new about my serger last night. It was giving me some puckering, and since the tension is self-adjusting that just didn't seem right. I finally looked up my notes from the class on it and remembered that anytime you think you have a tension issue, check the needles. I changed them and sho 'nuf, that fixed the problem. Color me a believer.

Ok, going home to finish up cool ties and load up extra darkroom equipment to sell at the youth auction Saturday. Yay! Finally that stuff can go to a good home. And there's no reason on earth I need 7 enlargers, right? 4 should be plenty...:)

Posted by tomiandc at May 31, 2007 05:14 PM