May 18, 2007

Most Annoying Song. Ever

Radiohead - The National Anthem.

I have really tried to like this song. And I really like Radiohead as a whole, but they have to stop with this one. I can't take it anymore.

Nothing much bloggable has happened in the last 12 hours. We're going to the art fair downtown tomorrow, I guess, and probably will do some gar(b)age sale-ing. I want to see the Springfield Stallions play tomorrow night, it's a home game, so we might head to the convention center for that.

My laptop keeps losing the wifi signal. Not sure what's up with that.

Going to be a beautiful weekend here in Springpatch, good for a bike ride and little jeeping. I can go home in 6 hours. :) Maybe I'll take Alice downtown with me in the morning to the farmers market. She's a good lil jeep rider, even if everybody on the road stares at the giant dog with the even bigger lips flapping in the wind. She's a cutie :)

It's looking like a trip to So IL is in store for next weekend. Need to fill up the big jeep before gas hits 3.50.

Posted by tomiandc at May 18, 2007 01:28 PM