Yep, it's really prior to 7am and here I am.
Couldn't sleep again, so I got up and straightened up the house a bit. My mom is coming in tonight, white glove and all. *rolls eyes*
I finally found cushions and an umbrella last night. Shopko of all places, but they look and feel like they should hold up ok. The umbrella is way cool, it's rectangular, so should fit with the new table well.
I also picked up a hanging geranium basket and some tomato plants for the patio. I hung the geranium next to one of the hummingbird feeders in the hopes that I'll attract more of those beautiful little birds. No new signs of the mysterious blue bird, but I do have great news! I'd kept noticing this broken blue egg shell on the sidewalk by the west side of our house. Last night I finally got a chance to look around for the nest, and it's in the bushes right outside our dining room window! Mama is sitting on one live baby bird (tiny!) and another egg that hasn't hatched yet. She gets understandably stressed when we go out the kitchen door, so I'm putting the kibosh on that for awhile until the little birds can fly. Anyway, we have a perfect view right down into her nest from our dining room window. We can watch her and her babies without disturbing anyone. How cool is that? She's really close to the feeding stations on the corner of the house, and I'm sure that's why she put her nest so close.
In the meantime, the windows are open and all I can hear are the sounds of birds outside, cardinals seem to be the loudest. I've heard the great horned owl several nights this week, I think he's on the prowl for a girlfriend. I hope he finds one soon.
I didn't get my pots painted last night, but at least they are scrubbed down. I think I'm going to plant a couple of them with flowers just for some extra color. Our patio gets full sun, it's the only spot in the yard that does, so I'd like to make the best use of it.
7am, time to wake the giant and get ready for work.
Posted by tomiandc at May 11, 2007 07:05 AM