My PDA battery is almost dead. I think last night's backup must have tanked, will deal with that later since it will almost certainly require a hard reset. Stupid stupid stupid.
Speaking of stupid...after a discussion that it's a good thing we don't eat turkey for Easter, because the naps would just be longer (I had a 3 hour yesterday but that was mostly to catch up on sleep lost during the previous 2 nights), the Russian has declared that all holidays must now involve turkey in some form or fashion. FYI, the Kimble household will now be celebrating:
Happy New Turkey on January 1
Happy Valenturkey on February 14
Happy Paturkey Day on March 17
Happy Easturkey
Happy Memorial Turkey (the day where we remember all the turkeys we've eaten before)
Happy Flag Turkey (not sure what he has in mind for this one. Maybe we stick little flags all over the turkey before we roast it)
Happy Fourth of Turkey, where we stick sparklers in the turkey, and I'm almost positive there will be bottle rockets involved in some fashion. Use your imagination.
Happy Back to School Turkey
Happy Labor Turkey
Happy Halloturkey
Happy Turkey Day, the original
and last but certainly not least: Merry Christurkey
I have peeps, saving them up for the bonfire out back to see what happens. I'm guessing the sugar will flame right away, which is cool for me, because there's nothing like the taste of charcoal :)
This week will mostly consist of shopping for a new sewing studio chair and a new bag. It's too cold outside to do anything else. Why is it that I can handle subzero temps in January, but the minute it's 30 in April I start whining. It doesn't help that we were at 80F there for awhile and I got used to wearing sandals again. :(
Davis Caves is hosting their annual EarthFest April 28th. Hoping it's warmed up some by then and we can take the little jeep. There's a camper dealer on the way, must connive a way for us to stop by. They don't sell Airstreams, but they do have those funny little A-frames.
Have a good week
Have a great week!
Posted by tomiandc at April 9, 2007 10:04 AM