Hope you're all having a loverly day. Yeah, so it's been awhile since I updated.
Survived St Pattys
Salukis got thrown out of NCAA tourney last night. Boo hiss. Bill Self is goin' down.
Headed to Harrisburg this weekend.
Started making cool ties again, because I'm a narcissist. And because it's going to be hot in Iraq this summer.
Ordered new CITO shirts, not sure if we're going to any events this year, tho.
Still addicted to Sudoku.
Waiting not so patiently for the rain to be over with so I can drag the little Jeep out.
Thinking about starting a worm farm (no, not for Tequila bottlers)
Easter lilies are blooming at the neighbors' house, but not mine. What's with that?
Adopted a new soldier in Iraq. Wants comics, so far that's it. I think we can deliver on that. :)
30's turning 20 quilt is on hold until cool tie season is over. It's killing me to leave it on the shelf but there are more important things, and it's not going to be done in time for the March trip to Juarez, anyway.
That's about it.
Mail me if ya need anything
Posted by tomiandc at March 23, 2007 12:24 PM