So yesterday the bosses send out an email inviting all of us out for drinks after work to celebrate the closing of a huge deal, and the merging of Dynitech with E&A. I think we started making plans around noon. My basic idea was to go, have a couple of drinks and then go home. The employees have been thinking about having our own version of a gutter crawl sometime later this month, so I didn't plan on staying out much last night. Yeah. Right.
We started out at Buffalo Wild Wings, which is a block down from the office. One cosmo and 2 hurricanes later I was feeling pretty happy, and another guy from work decided he wanted to go somewhere else. I hit Joanns for some backing fabric for the puzzle quilt, and then went home to pick up Carl. We went to Mowie's where much more fun was had by all (including one of the most messed up hurricanes I've ever had...the bartender didn't have the stuff for it, so he used SOUTHERN COMFORT...scary), and then at some point Cliff (guy from work) says we need to go to the Curve, which I think at that point was the closest bar with a 3am liquor license. I should have known better. We closed them down with 2 rounds of jager shots and a round of sidewinders (all the Russian's idea). I texted Cindy trying to get her and her friends to leave the Butternut Hut, but I think they wanted to stay downtown, and then she had to get home to relieve her parents of their babysitting duties.
This was a bender that reminded me of my offshore working days, and I had to be at church this morning at 9 to sew (yep, church). I made it there, no hangover but so wiped out. I think Carl didn't get up until 2 this afternoon, and he's asleep again now. I think Cliff had to be at a soccer game at 7am, but I didn't text to see if he made it...I'm thinking not.
I'm not sure what to expect for what is supposed to be the real gutter crawl, but I keep having flashbacks to the first Christmas party when I came to work at Dynitech. Some of you might remember that one. Let's just say I'm honored to work with people who can party so hard. :)
Quilting. Oh yeah, I laid out the 30's turning twenty quilt and stitched the rows together, now I just have to join them to each other and add the border, and that one will be done. We decided to meet once a month, which will be nice.
Okay, gotta go, naptime. I am NOT going out tonight. I promise.
Posted by tomiandc at March 3, 2007 06:13 PM