I'm in Southern Illinois. It snowed all the way here this morning, and it's still flurrying a little bit. I'm. So. Sick. Of. Snow.
Anyway, we shopped a little in Marion and Carbondale, and then Marion some more. That's about it.
I need a nap. I stayed up last night to finish Scar Tissue (Anthony Kiedis biography) and then couldn't sleep for thinking about it. Still digesting it, I'll probably read it again before it goes back to the library. Definitely more interesting than the worm book I'm also reading. One thing that struck me while I was reading it is that all of the people he doped with are still probably in that life if they're still around at all. I felt really sorry for them, I mean, we all know his life turns out alright in the end, but what about the rest of them? He had a lot of support to get well, people checking up on him, etc., which I think is something they seem to be missing. Anyway, just a random thought.
Ok, time for the nap.
Posted by tomiandc at February 17, 2007 05:16 PM