February 13, 2007

Snow (Hey Oh)

Yep. We got it, varying amounts overnight, average seems to be about 6" so far with another 8 possible today. So the Big Jeep got to go to work today, made it fine. Had an interesting time coming down the street my office is on, no plows had been through and the drifts were pretty high. Nobody else is here yet, I'm wondering if we're closed now. LOL

Supposedly the hardest hit areas are supposed to be along the I-72 corridor, which if I look right outside my office window, is what I see. Not much traffic out there today.

I got sidetracked last night and didn't finish off the 9-patch for Juarez, but I should still be able to finish it up by Friday, easy.

Posted by tomiandc at February 13, 2007 08:14 AM