At the Chatham Library.
The Russian and I got up this morning and went to breakfast, then hit Danes and now we're at the library. I'm supposed to be picking up Sex and the City (season 1) from interlibrary loan, but decided as long as we were coming here I'd borrow their wifi to see if I could update some sites I'm behind on. No dice...having problems with IE (go figure), and can't get it to register port 80. I suspect it's a proxy problem, but I'll try again from home and see if it works there.
I pulled out the Jane's Addiction Ritual de lo Habitual again this morning. Man, that stuff never gets old.
Better get going before I frighten too many small children with my out-of-control hair. I think it's a little pinker now, I'm really digging it. I think I'm going back to the brindle look next time. It's a little less freakish, and a lot less maintenance.
Posted by tomiandc at January 27, 2007 11:13 AM