My cats are insane. One minute they're wanting to sit on my head, the next they're divebombing each other off the sofa. At least they're leaving the salt tank alone for the most part now. That's probably because there's no fish in it for the moment, but that will hopefully be changing in another water change or two. What should I get? Another royal gramma? I was thinking about either a skunk clown or maybe a goby or something, but haven't made up my mind yet.
If anybody wants the link to a really cool pda site let me know. My T|X is really happy with me these days, since I found it.
The Russian has joined a local band of woodworkers. I think he only likes them because they had ribs at their meeting. :P Anyway, I hear we're heading to St Louis in February to attend some kind of woodworking show, so he can play with toys that will probably end up in our basement. I guess I can't complain, I do have 5 sewing machines (well, 4 machines and 1 serger. Technically it's really 2 sewing machines, 2 embroidery machines and 1 serger). Anyway, he's having a good time and that's all that matters. That, and I get to have the remote for one night a month, and can watch something besides the History Channel.
We've been cackling about the Living with Ed show a lot lately. I can hardly wait for orange rain collectors to show up in our yard. (And they will meet a similar demise here, trust me.)
Big news in Springtucky today: The House passed a freeze on Ameren's rate, but it's not likely to go anywhere...I think it's a "symbolic" vote, kind of how we have "symbolic" politicians. Well, they accomplish about the same amount of crap, anyway. The Hair-gov was re-inaugurated today (The Russian interjects: Governor Corruptovich!). But the really big news is that someone is up in arms over local bars creating beer gardens for smokers. Apparently you can't just put up a tent and designate it the smoking scene. No one seems to be willing to let this poor horse be buried, but that's par for the course in this town. Grudges run deep, almost as deep as Hunter Lake. Oh wait, yeah, that one never got dug, my bad. Well, at least as deep as the doo-doo guv Hot Rod will find himself in when his father-in-law divorces him.
Anyway, that's enough cynicism for one day, I suppose. Some good news, however: it appears that my little hometown has come through for the taxpayers, finally. Word was that the school board was going to have a bond sale to the tune of a measly 1.8 million. Enough people were upset about it to pass some petitions that would at least have forced the issue onto a ballot vote. The superintendent made the statement that if enough signatures were collected (869, I believe) they wouldn't bother putting it to a vote, presumably because he knew it would never pass. The petitions were turned in today with a total of 1600 signatures. This probably comes as no surprise to anyone other than the school board. Now it remains to be seen whether the superintendent will keep his word; my guess is he won't. The big threat is that if they don't make enough cuts the state of Illinois will step in and make them anyway. Now there's a thought: the state of Illinois can run finances better than a local school board. Scary thought, eh?
So the Monday rant ends here.
I'll be in the Burg this weekend, and possibly Pekin the following Saturday if anybody wants to have lunch.
Posted by tomiandc at January 8, 2007 09:44 PM