November 08, 2006

Can it get any worse?

Shhhh....listen. Do you hear that? It's the sound of liberals everywhere jumping up and down on their cash registers. Yep, it sure sucks to be a conservative in Illinois today. People north of I-80 have elected a felon, a mobster and an alzheimer's patient to run the state. I guess we can consider that the mobster will protect the felon, and the senile guy can say he doesn't remember any of it.

And the Chatham library referendum passed. I once thought that Chatham was supposed to have the greatest schools south of Chicago, but now I'm concerned. It seems that people really do believe that you can build twice the house and have the same budget. Lots of head-scratching here...I think it's time to get away from those people, before their magic math starts to rub off. I hope none of them are shocked in 2 years when the library needs a 3rd referendum (in as many elections) or else they're going to have to start closing at 3pm everyday. Somebody needs to get rid of that library board, quick, before they open a restaurant.

Don't even talk to me about the house and senate. Virginia wants to elect a pedophile-porn writing man to office, remind me never to go there on vaca.

I need some Tylenol.

Posted by tomiandc at November 8, 2006 08:03 AM