September 01, 2006

We've gone to the dogs

I am so bored. The Russian's at the church working on the playhouse. I took Alice out to see him, she got to go for a ride in the little Jeep with the top down. We went through some utility exercises while we were there. She's doing pretty well with it. I still say she's smarter than Ralf. However, her sense of smell is still an embarassment to the world of canines.

I'm trying to get motivated to do something, but it's not working. I think I'm going to Pawnee tomorrow morning with Carl to pick up some siding.

And now, a Friday survey...

1. How many dogs do you have? 2 – Ralf and Alice
2. Are they named after anyone? The Kramdens
3. Has your dog been to a blessing ceremony? No, but I’d like to take them sometime.
4. Do you take your dog on vacation? I have before, surely will again. They like to go camping.
5. Do you let your dog eat off your plate? Nope…no people food.
6. Have you ever hired a pet sitter? Yep.
7. Do you send your dog to doggie daycare? No, it’s too expensive and the bus doesn’t come out this far.
8. Inside or outside? Inside
9. Does your dog have a fancy house? Ralf has a dogloo out back, but I don’t think he’s ever stayed in it for more than 5 minutes.
10. Does your dog sleep on your bed with you? Heh, yeah, sometimes. And she’s a cover hog!
11. Have you ever taken your dogs to an outdoor restaurant? Not unless the McD’s drivethrough counts. I don’t think it’s legal here yet.
12. Go to the dog park regularly? Sometimes
13. Pedigree or mutt? Eh, either. Right now we have mutts. I think my next dog will be AKC, so I can show in regular competitions.
14. Shelter or breeder? Shelter so far. Maybe breeder next time.
15. Obedience school? Both of them have gone through. Alice has had extensive training.
16. Know any stupid pet tricks? Alice can open the bathroom door, open the shower door, get in the tub, turn the water on and stop up the drain go get a drink. She also goes to the bathroom on command.
17. Do you clean up after your dog when you’re out? Religiously
18. Big dogs or little yappers? Big dogs all the way. Little dogs make me nervous.
19. Ever take your dog to work? Yep, both of them
20. Raw diet or bagged food? Bagged. Although I’d like to try raw someday, maybe.
21. Favorite treat? Alice’s favorite is Frito’d hotdogs. Ralf likes anything that tastes like meat. Ha!
22. Does your dog have a toy box? Yeah. I'm still trying to work with her to put her toys away, though.
23. Favorite toy? Alice’s favorite toy is either her hedgehog, or the fart toy. Ralf doesn’t have a favorite, although he likes chewing on Alice’s ears.
24. Does your dog wear a coat in the winter? Yep, and it’s very stylish :P
25. Coordinating leash/collar? Yep
26. Crate train? Alice is crate trained, Ralf is not
27. Do you talk to your dog like he/she’s a person? Yep. And I know it’s totally not productive, but I do it anyway. She tilts her head to the side and talks back.
28. Ever trick your dog? Of course…what would life with a dog be without the fake throw? :)
29. Does your dog like cats? She thinks they might be tasty. Actually, she just likes to sniff and lick them. Every now and then she’ll chase ‘em. Ralf couldn’t care less.
30. Does your dog like other dogs? Loves them. It’s people who try to get between us that she doesn’t like. Ralf likes other dogs as long as they’re altered.
31. Ever thrown a birthday party for your dog? Not yet
32. Ever lied to a hotel about not having a dog in the room? Nope…with over 225 pounds of dog, they’re going to be seen by somebody.
33. Strangest thing that’s ever happened when you’ve had your dog with you? ??? Once I was driving down the interstate in heavy traffic, and Alice had her head out the window. Another car pulled up beside us and started yelling all these questions at me about her. That was kinda freaky…we were doing 80mph!
34. Funniest thing your dog does? Take off running after they go #2. Like they’re sooo happy they just crapped.
35. Ever use your dog to scare someone? Not intentionally.
36. People or dogs? Tough call. Usually dogs.
37. Do you let your dog lick your face? Nope.
38. Be honest, are you really a responsible pet owner? We’re more responsible than a lot of people are with their kids. Yes.
39. Does your dog get carsick? Nope, thank goodness!
40. Do you buy Christmas gifts for your dog? Of course! They have their own tree with special rawhide ornaments. (Yeah. Ask me how long they lasted last year. I think I replaced them 4 times before I gave up.)

Posted by tomiandc at September 1, 2006 10:09 PM