July 28, 2006

Cleaning up

Albert's Big Move went fine. Off to a somewhat rocky start when I wasn't sure exactly how low I could take the water level in the tank (not to mention I just poured how many gallons of saltwater straight into the septic?). But all in all, he did just fine, and his new stand looks marvy in the family room. Better yet, the chemistry set that inevitably comes with ownership of a salt tank all fits into the stand, and now I don't have little vials scattered throughout the house.

I was up at 6 this morning, to shower and finish straightening the family room. I finally took the hospital tank down, hopefully we won't need it for awhile. It's all cleaned and ready to be put away. I still need to do some mild cleaning in the kitchen, but otherwise the house is pretty well spotless, for a few days, anyway. I'm not sure why I really bother, considering that there will be another 2 dogs added to the circus for the next couple of nights. Maynard (who gets along with everyone) and Ginger (who does not) will sleep in my mom's room, I think. I just moved the kittens' litter box to the basement, so I'd prefer to keep the dogs out if possible.

I love Sonic diet cherry limeades. :)

Posted by tomiandc at July 28, 2006 09:36 AM