July 27, 2006

Albert's Big Day

He's getting moved tonight. I'm going to pick up a new tank stand today at lunch, and tonight he's moving back to the family room. Woohoo! (Not that I think he cares, I'm sure he'll be fairly traumatized by the whole thing, but I'll be happy to get him back in the other room.) He moved to the living room last fall when we replaced the carpet in the family room, and for awhile I liked having him there, but I've since changed my mind. I'm female, it's what I do. *shrugs*

I've also changed my mind on the upgrade for his tank. I think I'm going to stick with his current set up, although I'm still debating going with a canister filter instead of what we have now. This, of course, would also require the purchase of a separate protein skimmer, but I'm alright with that. It's still cheaper than buying all new lights and everything for a new tank, plus the requisite livestock purchases that would follow. ;)

We spent most of last night cleaning up for my mom's impending doo^h^h^h er, visit. Heehee

I'm almost done, except for the kitchen and family room. The Russian graciously cleaned the carpet in her bedroom and it's sparkling white again. I'm trying to bribe him to do the rest of that wing of the house in lieu of me calling ChemDry. They're good, but pricey.

Anyway, the house is looking good, and the last minute panicking of "oh crap, I forgot to..." should be held to a minimum. We might actually make it to Doyle's auction on Friday after all.

No progress on the cool ties last night, or tonight probably. I'm anticipating the tank move to take between 1 hour and 2, and I still have to do some mild cleaning in the kitchen. I'm also supposed to get to the grocery store sometime, we'll see.

Crossing my fingers for a quiet day here...

Posted by tomiandc at July 27, 2006 08:39 AM