July 21, 2006

Or Maybe We're Just Old

I've been watching Pee Wee's Playhouse on Adult Swim. It's still as great as ever, only it seems a little trippier nowadays. :) I keep thinking it's a mistake, and they'll take it off the schedule when they figure it out. LOL Was I this weird when I was younger?

Speaking of weird, the Russian and I have this discussion weekly. Are we weird? Or are we just boring? We go to auctions, and we go yard-saling, which makes us seem boring, I think. We've also had a thumbwar going for the last year or so, except we don't play thumbwars like most people. It extends to other body parts, too...like, he'll hold my elbow down with his and yell "I'm winning!"! Yeah, see, that makes me think we're weird. Well, that, and one weekend we sat around for the ENTIRE weekend making fart sounds on each other. LOL
I can't believe I put that into print. Let's see if I forget it's there and publish it!

I need to rescue some more of my violets from the cats and bring them to work. I noticed more little leaf fragments in the family room this morning on my way through the house. Stupid cats. They're fine, btw, growing like little cats should. I think Vic is catching up with Kenny in the weight department. They're both turning out to be little porkers. What I love about them is every now and then one of them will just attack the other one OUT OF NOWHERE. He'll run up, jump on the other one's head and just start walloping him with his hind feet. Meanwhile, the other cat just kind of sits there, stunned for a minute, and then he'll finally start defending himself. But you know, for that few seconds, he's just sitting there going "WTF is wrong with you? What did I do?" Heehee

3rd weird thing: we have conversations through our animals. Case in point: tomorrow morning the Russian will ask Ralf "what do you want to do today?"...and I'll say, in whatwouldbeRalf'svoiceifhewerehuman: Let's go to Maverick! I LOOOOOOVE Maverick!
And TR will say: Buddy, they won't let you in, you need to get your other person to make you one of those nice orange vests, and THEN you can go to Maverick.

Yeah. Weird. This happens almost every day at our house.

BTW, can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I got a round door for my darkroom the other day. Okay, well, actually the Russian got it for me at a state auction, but I have one finally! I can take down the comforter and actually have some hope that nobody's going to open the door while I'm loading film or something. :)

We have 2 cars for sale. If you know somebody who's interested in a Jeep Grand Cherokee or Toyota Corolla, shoot me an email. We're downsizing! Yay!

Posted by tomiandc at July 21, 2006 10:28 AM