July 16, 2006

The Day After Saturday

I can't stop sneezing. The Russian is watching Pimp My Ride, and I'm downstairs getting ready to finish the binding for his mom's quilt (I found it!). I really am trying to be good and finish up some UFO's before I start new projects.

We ended up not getting to Cindy's last night until after 8, but didn't stay long at all. It was hot and it looked like there was going to be an argument, so we piled back into the little Jeep and headed over to the new house. The concrete in the garage looks pretty good, the same guy who did that one is going to do our driveway eventually. They're not done yet, still have to finish up the driveway and the breezeway over there.

We didn't make it to early church this morning, so we went to the 9:15. I can never decide which service I like the best. The early one is a more traditional one than the other 2, and I tend to like it because of the older people there. In the 9:15 there were some kids in front of us who just would not sit still, and that drives me crazy. It's too distracting. I think they're going to keep having all 3 services once we get to the new building. As it looks right now, the first Sunday we'll be there is the 10th of September. They're having a going away ceremony for all of us the previous Sunday, and my birthday is in the middle. :) I am REALLY excited about this new building! Next Saturday we're supposed to meet at the new building, before they put down the carpet. We're all going to get Sharpies and we can write all over the floor...prayers, verses, names, whatever. So, tell me what I should write!

Posted by tomiandc at July 16, 2006 12:03 PM